I haven't lost any weight for 4 weeks now

I am 9weeks post op and I have lost 42 pounds but I haven't lost, not even one pound in 4 weeks. I eat all the right stuff (by the book) walk 2 miles at least 4 times a week, drink nothing but water and I get up and go more than I ever have. Now, it seems that I am loosing inches but not that much. I am down 2 sizes. I need to know who else has had a platue!!! how long will this last... is it possible NOT TO LOOSE ANY MORE WEIGHT? Please give me some feed back, I am getting very depressed over this... thanks guys....Lisa Strickler    — Lisa S. (posted on July 26, 2001)

July 25, 2001
I'm not a math whiz , but for the past 13 post op weeks you have lost 42lbs . This averages 3 lbs per week. in a year that comes to about 156lbs , if you continue to lose at the rate of 3lbs. I lost less than that per week average and have met my goal in 13months. My loss was not steady either some weeks more some weeks less but over the course of time it all came together so will yours. You are doing everything right. Keep it up. Be patient and try to stay away from the scale for a while. God bless and good luck.
   — Rose A.

July 25, 2001
I am 7 months post op and have "only" lost 75 pounds. I wanted it to be more by now myself, however the slower you lose it, the better!! I have found that I lose 5 pounds one week and then don't lose any for 3 weeks, lose 3 pounds one week and then don't lose any for 2 weeks. I know that happens to a lot of people. It takes time for your body to catch up to your loss. When you lose weight, your body has to assess whether you are starving or not, and when it realizes you aren't, you'll lose. I think you are doing wonderful!!!!!! Patience is not one of my strong points either :) Keep up the good work!!!!
   — Tinalula

July 26, 2001
You are on a plateau. I had so many 3 and 4 week plateaus that I lost count. Don't worry, this is normal. One thing to watch, though, is that you aren't 'starving' yourself. What is your approximate daily calorie intake? If it isn't up around 800 or 900 then you need to increase it. If you eat too little, your body will hold on to the weight longer. But, eventually it will drop off. Keep up the good work.
   — Cindy H.

August 6, 2001
It's encouraging to hear that you are losing inches. That means you fat is melting away but your lean body mass is also being built up. That's great. Muscle burns fat. More muscle burns more fat. I know it contradicts what we've always been told, but forget the scales. Go by the tape measure. That's the real measure of success. Continued success.
   — Eric H.

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