Any ideas or suggestions for comfort on 3 hour or more travel home?

I will have to travel by car after my open rny. The good thing is I won't have to drive. The car is a mid size car so I won't have a whole lot of room due to my size. Any suggestions you could give me I would greatly appreciate. Thanks to all for your prayers and support.    — Amy H. (posted on September 30, 2001)

September 30, 2001
For sure take your pain meds before leaving the hospital. I don't even remember much of my ride home. I carried some water with me and reclined the seat back. Good Luck.
   — Angela S.

September 30, 2001
1. Take pain meds right before you leave hospital 2. Have a thick pillow to hold in front of you 3. When getting in and out, sit sideways and then turn yourself around 4. Stop every hour and walk/ have a snack I had a two hour drive, It really wasn't bad.
   — Melissa B.

September 30, 2001
i was going to make all the suggestions already suggested because i too have a long trip home after my surgery & have given the trip alot of thought. but, i do have one more suggestion. buy a neck support travel pillow. i find this more comfortable than a regular pillow which is larger than the seat back & doesnt really stay put too good on a reclining seat.
   — sheryl titone

October 1, 2001
Everyone elses ideas are right on but also ask the driver too stay off bumpy roads as much as possible. My apartment complex has speed bumps and those things tortured me after my surgery.
   — Meredith A.

October 3, 2001
Hi I agree with all the below. I had a 4 hour ride home in a pickup. Luckily I have a plush truck with reclining seats. Several pillows, a blanket and pain meds helped. I stoped about every 45 minutes to stretch and prevent blood clots which seemed to help. good luck
   — Michelle F.

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