Am I alone herein my thinking??

I bought some new jeans last weekend, I tried them on they seemed fine, but today when I put them on they seem to pull a bit in the hip area causing the zipper to pucker a bit. I have always had problems in this area with my jeans but today for some reason I am freaking out thinking that I am going to gain all of my weight back. I seem to have that constant fear of becoming overweight again. I swear I could become a size 0 and I would still fear fat!!! I guess I just need a bit of comforting that I am not a failure because some jeans have pulled a bit more than I am comfortable with. I truly have put myself into a tizzy about this! Thanks!    — Tawny F. (posted on May 13, 2002)

May 13, 2002
Did you wash the jeans? If so, they do shrink a little once you throw them in the dryer. Also, are you getting close to your period? You might have put on some water weight. Don't freak out yet!! Sometimes there are reasons why. If you haven't increased your food intake then you really shouldn't have anything to worry about.
   — Patty H.

May 13, 2002
First, let me say that I understand your emotional stance. It was hard to be a MO individual, and I understand why you would never want to go back there again. However, let me remind you of the reasons why you had surgery in the first place. You did not do it because you were upset that your jeans were fitting tight. You did it (hopefully) because you were afraid that your health would decline due to your obesity. I think we need to be very careful post-op that we do not become anorexic. When one's body image becomes so important that tight jeans cause a panic attack, there's something wrong with your priorities, and you are not looking at your body realistically anymore. I am down 180+ lbs. now and think I'm beautiful, even though I'm still in a size 18. Am I "skinny"? No, probably not, but I'm no longer obese, and I feel like a whole new woman. Trust this surgery and occasionally (once a month, tops), step on your scale to ensure you're not gaining weight. It's a lot easier to take off 2 lbs. than 10, so it's important that you consistently monitor your weight, but please try not to obsess about 1-2 lbs. in either direction. Anything (your time of the month, too much salt, etc.) can cause a small weight gain. Don't worry about it unless it becomes 5-10 lbs. and you are worrying about it getting out of control. Regards,
   — Terissa R.

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