Hernia post-op and pregnancy?

I have an area about the size of a baked potato below my 8" incision line from open RNY 4 1/2 months ago. I know it can be repaired with a tummy tuck included but I was wondering, can you go through a pregnancy with one of these? I don't want to do the hernia repair/tummy tuck until after another baby. Anybody know if I can have a normal pregnancy with a hernia like this? Thanks for any info.    — Debra L. (posted on June 20, 2002)

June 20, 2002
I haven't had any experience with this, but my best friend has. She is in the process of trying to become pregnant. She had an open RNY about 19 months ago. She developed a hernia and was told right away to have it fixed before she got pregnant. The doctor said that the added pressure of the baby could make her muscle tear even more, and it could be very dangerous for her and for the baby. I also know that doctors recommend not getting pregnant after you have an abdominoplasty. I think a panniculectomy is different in that they don't tighten your muscle wall. It may be OK to be pregnant after a panni, I'm not sure. You should ask a plastic surgeon. - Karen
   — Karen P.

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