Under 25 and complications?

Ok, I just got through reading a question from someone wanting info from younger people. Well, I was wondering if there is anyone out there who is under 25 that has had complications, major or minor. I have started pre op testing, I'm 23, and am VERRRRRRYYYYYYYY scared. Any info or encouragement would be great! ~Thank You    — Amber F. (posted on June 26, 2002)

June 25, 2002
I am also 23. I had my surgery 4 months ago. I had no complications during surgery or immediately after but a few weeks ago I developed a horribly painful kidney stone as a result of the rapid weight loss. The stone passed and I'm fine now. Try to be as healthy as you can before surgery, start walking now and when you go into the hospital have the attitude that you are going to get up and walk around and not just lay there in bed. I guess the bottom line is if you are going to have complications you are going to. There's nothing you can do about it other than do as the doctors tell you and be in the best shape before surgery. Don't be scared, just look to brighter days you will see, surgery will be well worth it.
   — Angie B.

June 25, 2002
I have had kidney stones in the past. Boy do they hurt!!! This is one of the reasons you need to drink alot of water. Everything will be alright --- Good Luck
   — Robert L.

June 25, 2002
The day after I had my rny I had togo to a diffrent hospital because my pulse was sky high. It turned out I was having a reaction to the pain killers. Besides that all went well
   — Tiffini P.

June 25, 2002
Hello Amber... I don't have an answer for you because I am in the same exact boat as you. I am 22 years old, 23 July 23rd, and my pre op appointments are scheduled for Aug. and my appointment for the procedure is Sept. 6th. I'm beyond scared and as the time passes, my anxiety increases! My sister is 25 and had an open rny two weeks ago and she's doing fine, apart from some nasty bed sores and pain from her drain tube. Hang in there!
   — JM B.

June 25, 2002
The only complication I had was an allergic reaction to both the morphine and the tape they used to tape my IV down. But I'm a really allergic person. If you have sensitivities to tape, latex, or morphine, you should probably mention them before you go in. I spent the first week slathering hydrocortisone cream on my arm! :) But as far as major complications, ask your doctor! The complication rates from this surgery are very low and IMHO seem to happen most often to people who are severely MO with other major health problems, such as heart disease and hypertension. Talk to your doctor about your risk factors and hopefully you will feel calmer about the procedure.
   — PT LawMom

June 26, 2002
Don't be scared!!! In my experience, everything will be fine. The only complication that I had was that the night I got out of the hospital, I couldn't keep anything down (and I was on clear liquids). I went to see my surgeon the next day, and he put me back in the hospital for the night. They hooked me up to an iv, gave me zantax to settle my stomach and potassium because it was low. I got out the next day, have only thrown up a couple of times since I got home, and have lost 45 pounds! I was 23 when I had surgery, and turned 24 about 2.5 weeks ago.
   — Phoebe J.

June 26, 2002
HI :) I'm 22 and over 3 weeks post-op from LAP RNY, and so far no complications. The surgery was a great success and I have lost over 30 pounds so far! I was really scared, too! I had my family and boyfriend there the whole time for support, as well as my friends visiting me in the hospital. I'm sure everything will go great for you!! It can be nerve-racking, but just think of all the wonderful things the future holds for you afterwards, you will be healthier and thinner, the way 20-year-olds should be! We will be able to live the best years of our lives thinner and feel more confident! Goodluck to you!! feel free to e-mail me anytime! ([email protected])
   — Lezlie Y.

November 21, 2002
I am 23 and had surgery when I was 22. I ran a low grade fever while I was in the hospital. I continued to run one for about a week after. I took childrens tylenol and walked. At exactly on week out, my bottom stitch started to "Leak." 4 papertowels and 1.5 hrs later it stopped. I have large breast and had a problem with my top stitch closing. It took about 4 weeks. Those are all minor problems and would do it again.
   — Kerri P.

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