weight gain 3 yrs post op/ LAP RNY

I am nearly 3 yrs post-op. I never did reach my goal and now I'm begining to gain weight. I started at 285 the lowest lowest I ever got was 179 and I'm now 195. I saw my Dr last month and he ordered some test (I also have weird cravings Ice and chalk) anyway, they did an upper GI and a gastrointestinal endoscopy. I haven't gotten the result's of these tests from my surgeon but the dr at the endoscopy said the pousch was larger than it should be. My appt isn't for a few weeks and I'm anxios to find out if I'll need another surgery or what...any feedback? thanks all    — Mary R. (posted on November 19, 2002)

November 19, 2002
I'm not sure why you are gaining the weight back but I would like to know what your doctor says. As far as the cravings, my mother was craving ice and her doctor determined that she was low on iron. They ran tests and sure enough she was. Good luck and keep me updated.
   — rachelryan

November 19, 2002
How long since your last labs? You might want to pop onto the Grad list and join others of your kind. Longer term, real life has begun, good & bad, unfortunately.
   — vitalady

November 19, 2002
I had this same question yesterday! I am 4 years post op and have plateaued at 185 for 3 years! I started at 275. Also, I chew ice like there is no tomorrow! My husband wants me to take up smoking so as to stop chewing ice! It is anemia and I need to take iron pills regularly, which I am bad at. I want to have my stomach re-altered, I heard that sometimes they do that. Help us!
   — Sharon L.

November 19, 2002
The cravings for non-food items is called Pica and is usually caused by vitamin or iron deficiencies. Are you taking your supplements? How is your bloodwork? Pica can cause additional problems if left unaddressed. Please talk to your doctor about it!
   — ctyst

November 20, 2002
The compulsive hankering to eat bizarre substances -- chalk, clay, starch, soil -- is called pica. It is sometimes associated with iron-deficiency anemia. Zinc and calcium deficiency have also been blamed for it. Chalk consists of water-washed clay and calcium carbonate, which makes me wonder if you've got a calcium deficiency.
   — sandsonik

May 28, 2003
Hi - I am also 3 years post op and have started to gain - I am going in for a endoscopy tommorow. Please let me know what the results were to yours and what happened. Thanks Mary
   — mary K.

January 8, 2006
I had the same cravings. I could eat ice by the bucket. I was low iron! I had to have infussions done...twice. It is better, but I still am low.
   — jamaraty

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