That website for the new WLS is giving away free first issues

Check it out    — Heather B. (posted on April 11, 2003)

April 11, 2003
thanks for putting the information here. I wanted to look into the magazine, so I just went and signed up. Thanks again ~ Sandy
   — Sandy H.

April 11, 2003
Thanks for the information. I signed up for it! I also signed up my two sisters. One has had surgery. The other is scheduled for 06/16/03. Kim Kimball 02/04/03 -60#
   — Kimberly K.

April 11, 2003
I've tried repeatedly and have never been able to access this site. The message I get is that it doesn't exist. A google search doesn't work either.
   — sjwilde

April 11, 2003
Sandy - try cutting and pasting this into the address bar of your browser JR
   — John Rushton

May 10, 2003
Do you want to know where they may have gotten your e-mail addresses from? Check out and click on the Editorial Advisory Board link to find two of the members - Rona P. Scott and Linda Almonte - both AMOS members. Coincidence??? I'd like to see Rona and Linda come forth and unequivocably state that they did not use their status as AMOS members to harvest e-mail addresses from this site for use in this commercial venture. BTW, I am still waiting for that free issue...JR
   — John Rushton

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