Has anyone had the

How about long term-say 3-8 years post op...any later complications?    — casek (posted on April 11, 2003)

April 11, 2003
I'm 8.5 yrs, my husband is 7.5 yrs. The only problem we have is osteoporosis. It MIGHT have been prevented with enough of the right calcium and a little education on the subject in the beginning. Otherwise, we're fine. Better than fine!
   — vitalady

April 11, 2003
I am three years post op(on 06/06/03). I cannot complain of an any complications, but I will tell you that I do experience dumping on occasion (no fun at all!!!), I cannot go anywhere without water or crystal lite, and it is difficult to get in the needed protein and calcium, medications do not absorb as they used to, and i keep losing and gaining the same ten pounds. Other than these minor things, all is well with no complications to speak of.
   — twenc

April 11, 2003
I will be 3 yrs post in May. No complications , no major problems. I continue to take my vites and minerals get my monthly B12 shot. I do dump so I am very careful with the sugar intake. Life is good!!
   — Rose A.

April 12, 2003
I know a nurse from presby who is over 20 years out. She isnt skinny but looks great and certinally isnt MO. She has no problems but her job. She cares for the OR family waiting area and sits directly across from the candy machines. She says she packs her lunch and doesnt bring money to work, because the machines call to her... <P> You dont find many long termers here. People get surgery then eventually move on with their lives. Most of us have missed so much being MO, we try to make up by doing so much more as post ops and dont have time for the net. I myself am way too busy but remain here to help others, a promise I made to myself and God if I survived surgery and did well.
   — bob-haller

April 12, 2003
My dad had gastric bypass surgery in 1964 is does very well for his age 78.No major health problems from that.
   — Autumn

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