Why am I hungry all the time?

11 months post op. I am always wanting something to eat. Is this normal? I get full when I eat, but as soon as the full feeling goes away, I'm ready to eat again. Does anyone have any suggestions, or advise?    — Laura W. (posted on July 10, 2003)

July 10, 2003
You didn't share what your current diet is like, so without knowing that all I can do is give you some suggestions: <p>a. eat more protein or supplement with protein shakes. This will help stabilize your blood sugar levels which cause hunger pangs when they dip precipitously after a high carb meal or snack. <p>b. Reduce your simple carbohydrate intake (sugar, flour, pasta, rice, etc.) These are high glycemic foods that cause your blood sugar to spike and then take a quick nose dive causing hunger. <p>c. Try filling up on high fiber foods such as fresh fruit (i.e. apples), fresh vegetables, (i.e. carrot sticks, broccoli). <p>d. Eat whole grains rather than processed grains. Instead of bread, have wheat berries or bulger, for example.<p>e. Avoid chewing gum. It can stimulate the digestive juices into action, which can cause hunger.<p>f. Avoid caffeine. Some studies have shown that caffeine actually stimulates the appetite.<p>g. Try eating every 3 hours. Some surgeons ask their patients to limit their food intake to 3 meals a day, but that just doesn't work for a lot of people. Their pouches don't hold enough to sustain them through those long hours in between meals. <p>Perhaps you can give us more information as to what and how you are eating. I hope some of these suggestions help. I know I hate being hungry worse than anything. It's a miserable feeling. Best wishes to you.
   — artistmama

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