8 Months out - Unexplained Back Pain

I am 8 months post op and have lost 100lbs. I have a back ache in the middle of my back. I never get back aches. I can't think of anything I did to it. I am wondering if it could have anything to do with my surgery. I know people get back aches newly post op from gas, but this far out? Any ideas? Mary    — packwrap (posted on September 3, 2003)

September 3, 2003
it just could be your body adjusting to the new wieght, your spine re-aligninhg itself.
   — janetc00

September 3, 2003
Most likely your body adjusting as the previous poster said. Try some ice to get some relief. If it continues much longer then you need to go to your PCP and get evaluated. Is is mucles pain or sharp pain? If sharp pain then don't mess around but get it checked out now. If muscle pain ride it out some. You also might try some of the ointments like icy hot or others.
   — zoedogcbr

September 3, 2003
Do you still have your gall bladder? Gall bladder problems can cause back aches.
   — Cathy S.

September 4, 2003
I had this same pain and due to the rapid weight loss, my rib cage was shifting and to make it short and sweet, the ribs along the spine were poking out and aggravating the muscles. I still go the the chiropractor 1-2 times a month to get things adjusted. Make an appointment and get it looked at, if that is what it is, there is no reason to continue to be in pain. My boss (she also had surgery) complained all the time about her back hurting and finally after 3-4 months of pain she went to the chiropractor and now goes on a regular basis. Some people don't like "quacker practors" as my dad calls them, but they have made a huge difference in my pain level. Now I rarely get that burning ache in my back and I can tell much sooner when it does need an adjustment. If you have any other questions, feel free to e-mail me.
   — Dana B.

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