Anyone had any experience with Military Treatment Facilities?

Is there anyone out there who has gone through the process of getting wls through the PCP at a MTF. My problem is these "so called" physicians come and go as most of us military people move around and it is often difficult to get an appointment for every little minor thing that you are going through. Example: I have seen my pcp for back pain and basically been told your fat lose some weight, there is nothing we can do for you. Needless to say, I have not been back.    — Danyelle K. (posted on November 7, 2003)

November 7, 2003
Yes, I went thru the process and made it finally=) My first doctor wasn't for it then she pcs'd and the second one was all for it. I know you can change docs find one that is wls friendly even off base.. If theres a will theres a way.. please let me know if I can be of any assistance to ya...
   — hillafb U.

November 7, 2003
my PCP was or is at a military clinic and when I went in I told them I wanted a referral for WLS and low and behold they gave it to me. within, 2 weeks I was referred to a surgeon and the rest is history. I am now 1 year post op and down 142 weighting in at 133 now, only 3 pounds to goal. I have also gotten my referral for the TT and am waiting for approval. dont give up......
   — terri R.

November 7, 2003
Hi, Danyelle! I am the spouse of an active duty service member also. I went to my PCP to get the referral and she wasn't exactly for it or against it. The first time it was denied due to incorrect info. She submitted it again with the right info and Tricare approved within 3 days. If you meet the requirements, ask your PCP to put in a referral to the general surgery clinic at the MTF for WLS. If they are full, they will send the information to Tricare to approve you to see a civilian bariatric surgeon. Once you get the ball rolling, it really shouldn't matter which PCP initiated the process as long as you meet all the requirements. Hope this helps...Kalena
   — Kalena B.

November 8, 2003
I too have tricare. When I started the process I had only had tricare for about 7 months. It did take me 5 dr's before I could get one to give me the referral. The one who finally did, does not believe in the surgery but was at least open to me talking to the surgeon. I was tricared out right away. I moved in the middle of the process and my new pcm was a civilian. He gave me a new referral the first day I met him.. I did however go to that appointment armed with all of my research documents as well as results from testing I had alreasy completed. <P> I would say make your appointment and simply as to be able to talk to the surgeon. Your pcm doesnt have to agree to the surgery you jsut need them to open the door. Good luck
   — kaysjourney

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