Painful lump under breast bone

I am 6 months post and have developed a painful lump directly above my incision and just below the very center of the breast bone just where it is supposed to end. You can only feel it when I am laying down. It is about the size of a golf ball. Could this be a hernia so high up like that? It is still an inch or so above the incision. Any other suggesstions?    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on February 27, 2004)

February 26, 2004
Does it feel like it's attached to the ribcage? If so, it's part of your rib cage called the xyphoid process...JR
   — John Rushton

February 26, 2004
I have the same thing and I keep being told it is a bone that is supposed to be there. Funny, I never felt it before, of course I used to be really fat! lol I can't help but think scar tissue may be the reason I can feel it so well now. It will be interesting to see how many others post. Please let me know if you find out that it is anything different than what I've been told. Take care.
   — issymudd

February 26, 2004
Thank you for asking this question. I was concerned about exactly the same thing. It is a bit off-center, just to the right under my right breast, just to the right of the end of the breastbone. I will be seeing my PCP in a few weeks and fully intend to ask about this. I certainly hope that it is a normal part of my body, and maybe just something I've never noticed before.
   — Cisbell

February 27, 2004
Hi there, Terri! I went to the doctor for the same thing. I kept insisting that it was a hernia and after trying for a few minutes, to figure out what I was talking about, he said it was a bone at the bottom of my rib cage. Mine hurt and everything, so he explained that it was my bones trying to go back to normal. I never knew I had this bone, but if you're honestly worried, which I'm sure you are, check with your doctor. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 148 lbs.
   — Vi F.

February 27, 2004
Hi there, I have a lump also, only mine is aprox. 2 inches down fromt he top of my incission.. I talked with my doctor several times about this and was antibotics, just as a percaution.. He said it was very possible that it is scar tissue, but ANYTIME you are concerned, you should have it checked... better to be safe than sorry... Best of luck, God Bless!
   — Kalli R.

February 28, 2004
Hi Terri I also had the lump under the breastbone, it is called the zyphoid process. When I asked several nurses and my surgeon about it, they all smiled and said that is what it is.... politely not saying that the reason that I did not notice it before was because of my weight... Hope this puts your mind at ease. (I also noticed it on my husband when he was laying done, and he is thin... so, I guess it was exactly what they said... mine was sore due to it being an open surgery (with some scar tissue up that high). Ginny
   — ginny W.

February 29, 2004
I have the exact same thing. I went to see my doctor and he told me it was a hernia, but not severe. I noticed it in the shower, when I was coughing. The dr. said, if it doesn't hurt, it shouldn't be a problem right now, but if it does hurt, to let him know right away and then he will take care of it. He also said I could have had it before, but didn't notice it because I had more padding!! I hope this helps.
   — Julia B.

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