My hemoglobin stays between 8.1--9.0 is that high enough ?

   — kelley G. (posted on July 28, 2004)

July 27, 2004
Your levels look a little low. Common ranges for women over age 18 is 12-16 g/dl. <p> <p> Low hemoglobin is an indication of anemia, and there are several different types of anemia, increasing iron, folic acid, B12 and or B6 can help. Your doctor should be the one to tell you which type of anemia and the correct supplement to take to help. <p>
   — Ali M

July 27, 2004
My hemoglobin dropped to 9.0 after my LBL and my surgeon was considering giving me a transfusion. She ended up giving me a prescription for iron. I would think that means yours is low.
   — mom2jtx3

July 28, 2004
Mine stays in the same range but I am VERY far out pre-op, I was deemed anemic at the age of 12 and have battled it my entire life (I'm 27 now). You're is LOW for the average (I believe it's 12-15 or so) Sometimes prescription iron and the like works, not in my case :-( but for many it does. I'm not sure on the effects of WLS on hemoglobin either - i'm very new to this .... ~LeighAnna~
   — LeighAnna F.

July 28, 2004
Check with your Dr because my Dr would not let me have surgery with a level of 9. I am now up in the 10's and taking 325 or Iron twice a day to get it higher. I checked with the nurse and she said this should not be a problem now.
   — MsKiss

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