Should I take B-12 a few weeks prior to my surgery?

Hey folks. I was approved for RNY last week and have been reading the big OSSG list for a month or so. There's been much talk about post-op hair loss (not a concern to me) and supplementing viatmins - especially B-12. My question is wheter or not I should start 'buffing up' on vitamins before I go in seeing as my first few weeks post-op will be a major trauma for my body. Is there anything else I might do as far as getting my system up to par with vitamins and such?    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 6, 1999)

May 6, 1999
Depends on which procedure you're having, which doctor's doing it, etc. I knwo several who have run on the full aftercare dose of protein and vitamins to be sure they could do it. They did it like 2 to 4 weeks before surgery. I never thought of it myself! All that have done this have had NO complications, flwon through the surgical part with ease, and are perkign right along. One girl lost 185 lbs in ONE year. And suffered NO deficiencies AT ALL. Might be a coincidence, but I'm not convinced. Wish I had been better prepared!
   — vitalady

May 7, 1999
i did take pre-natal vitamins and b-complex with heavy b-12 for about 3 weeks before my gastric bypass. i also did deep breathing exercises and used my prevental inhaler every day to keep my lungs clear. i truly believe it helped.
   — Linda O.

May 7, 1999
B12 is a requirement after surgey but my doc didn't tell us anything about it before. However, another successful post op suggested that I take strengthening vitamins for healing, fighitng free radicals and strengthening tissue and I did and I healed perfectly (even impressed my surgeon). twice a day we took 1,000 g each of Vitamin E, C, Silica, MSM, Horsetail Grass (a tablet), grapeseed, echinacea and calcium Good luck Susan [email protected]
   — Susan C.

May 10, 1999
It certainly couldn't hurt. Vitamins have been proven to help the body heal after traumatic situations, and it is likely that a "stock" of B-12 before you go in will help you go through the first few days until you are able to digest solid vitamins again. Good luck to you.
   — Molly S.

January 12, 2000
Your doctor should tell you in pre-surgery counseling what you should and should not do. If he doesn't, then you need to ask. Doctors (especially surgeons) are nice poeple but tend to forget that we don't all know what is going to happen or going on and if your doctor doesn't answer concern of yours, make him... it's that simple. My surgeon did a post-surgical vitamin screen to ascertain if I needed anything, as vitamins are hard on the digestive tract. He also told me that only in fewer than 3% do our bodies need any supplements; most of the vitamin industry is "snake oil." I feel wonderful and have not taken any supplements or needed them.
   — Peter W.

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