What do you all do for your New Years resolution?

I was just sitting here starting to think about my upcoming New Years resolution(s). I am just a smidge past 40% to my goal in only 2 months, so for the first time in my life, I don't feel the need to make "Loose Weight" or "Diet" one of my resolutions. Things are going so well, and I'm feeling so good, I just don't know what else to shoot for without feeling greedy. Anyone else?    — tlg6056 (posted on December 20, 2000)

December 20, 2000
My New Years Resolution is to work on getting the Missouri Legislature to pass a law requiring insurance company's to cover the treatment of morbid obesity. Along with that I also plan to work on getting the same law passed in other states that do not already have the law.
   — richter454

December 20, 2000
I'm scheduled for RNY on January 9, 2001. This will be the 1st year in years that the first thing on my New Year's Resolution List will NOT be "lose weight." Greedy or guilty for wanting things? Auntie Mame said "life is a banquet--indulge!" ... or something like that. Now it will be indulging in life, not eating.
   — Betty Todd

December 20, 2000
My sister-in-law just informed me that losing weight was at the top of her resolution list...I said, "Me, too!" and we shared a laugh. Unspoken, it was understood that I would be able to keep this resolution for the first time in my life. My real resolution is to find a job I love, and stop settling for less than the best. Greedy? No way. This is my new determination and optimism brought about by WLS.
   — Allie B.

December 20, 2000
Tammy, I love these thoughtful questions! I think my resolution will be to continue to learn how to take care of myself in a healthy way: hot baths, good books, nice smelling lotion, clothes that fit, flannel- instead of food. So far, I am succeeding, but I know I still have alot to learn!
   — M B.

December 21, 2000
Great question!! This is the year that I will really find my place spritually and economically.(As soon as I learn to spell...LOL) My weight and the issues surrounding it have always put me on the defense. I felt like I had to be over-worked and/or take jobs that I otherwise would not have taken because I was passed over. I just want peace and happiness. I get to put the weight issue aside and look for a nice fella....yes I said it, and help mate. I look forward to taking care of this tool and IT taking care of me. I love this question. I tell you what else I look forward to. I made a list of things I could not do before surgery...I am going to go out and buy a nice pretty pen and start SCRATCHING Those things off my list...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
   — Courtrina Amur W.

December 21, 2000
I must post this because I know my sweet sister reads these questions. She is a lurker but she is working hard on her approval. I resolve to helping her get her approval. She was my Angel!!! I am so grateful for her and all that she has done for me and my son. of my resolutions is to help her cross over to the other side of this disease.
   — Courtrina Amur W.

December 21, 2000
Hi Tammy. I was just thinking about this very thing earlier today. My New Year's resolution for 2001 will be to "fine tune" my new lifestyle. I've lost a considerable amount of weight (90+ #) since my RNY last March but have been at a stand still now for the past couple months. I don't know if I'm simply going through another plateau (I've gone through too many to count already) or if possibly, this is "it". I do know is that I'm not yet completely satisfied with my current weight and I realize that if I am to lose more weight I need to become more dilligent in my own weight loss effort and more true to the "rules" that my commitment to my wls prompted to begin with. My surgeon set my weight loss goal at 151#...I would personally like to lose at least another 40# (total 130-135#). In order to make either goal, however, I intend on making my 2001 resolution to live my life in as healthy a way as I can...including exercising on a more regular basis and addressing and controlling my "sweet-tooth". If this IS "it", and not just another plateau, I need to know that I've been completely honest in my effort and am living as healthy a lifestyle as I can. I chose wls in order to live a more "normal" life and to help me to not allow food to be the controlling factor in my life. I'm taking the "control" back. And 2001 looks pretty good to me. Continued good luck to you throughout this holiday season and God bless. cj
   — cj T.

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