I am 5ft.2in. and weigh196lbs. do I qualify.

I have went to weight watchers, medical weightloss, I even took the phen-phen pills(which did work great)I have tried lots of different diets, but nothing works.DO you think I qualify?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 1, 2001)

February 1, 2001
Hi. I haven't had my surgery yet, but I have initiated the first step, I have gone to my doc and she put a referral in to my Insurance Agency for me. I, too, am 5'2", but I weigh in at 220. The doctor that my ins. is sending me to said that I barely qualify for the surgery. I even have comorbities. I have fatty liver, hyperlipidemia, plantar fascilitis, sleep apnea, and constant heart burn. I hope you do get approved and I hope that the surgeon thinks I am a good candidate. Just get some tests run and make sure you do or don't have any medical problems that are preventing you from losing weight. Good luck and God bless.
   — [Anonymous]

June 17, 2003
Hi,I Am 5'2 I Weight 195 Pounds My BMI Is 35 But;. I Have 2 Doctors Saying I Need The Surgery. Good Luck
   — Brenda H.

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