My surgery date is 4/17 and I am SICK! Now what? Will they reschedule?

I am taking an OTC cold medicine, cough syrup, zinc lozenges, echinacea, and then the warm tea with honey and lemon. What else should I take to knock this out of me? I have had symptoms since Friday late night. And don't I need to stop taking all meds like this five days prior to surgery? That means this has to be GONE by Thursday! And if I am a little under the weather do they always reschedule? When should I tell my docotor? Please HELP!    — Virginia N. (posted on April 9, 2001)

April 9, 2001
Call your surgeon and make sure what you are taking is ok. I know I was told to avoid echincea prior to hysterectomy though I cannot recall why.
   — Dawn R.

April 9, 2001
Call your doctor right away about this! It may be treatable and the surgery can continue as planned.
   — georgiacarol

April 9, 2001
I got sick the week before surgery too, a killer sinus infection. My surgeon advised me to see my family physician, which I did. I told him about my upcoming surgery and how I HAD to be well. He put me on some super antibiotic and surgery went ahead as planned. I know that antibiotic won't help at all with a viral infection, and I know you think you have a cold, but that's what I thought too. You may want to have your doc confirm that what you have isn't bacterial -- if it is, it can be treated with antibiotics, and you might not have to delay your surgery. My surgeon also was sure I'd be fine because you get IV antibiotics post-op too.
   — lpsrabbit

May 11, 2002
My surgery is scheduled for May 21, 2002. I have a head cold. I am glad to read the encouraging news. I too am worried about having my surgery canceled. I am on an antibiotic. How did you make out? Take Care, Cherie
   — Cherie L.

May 11, 2002
Try Zicam, it's a nasal spray that cannot cure a cold but it can reduce the symptoms by 70% and help you feel better faster. Then get a lot of rest and fluids. Good luck.
   — cjabates

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