Can anyone tell me what is involved in a pulmonary function test?

Are there any prparations to do? I am to be tested before and after bronchodilators. What are bronchodilators? and Arterial Blood gasses. Does this mean they will be drawing blood more than once during the tests? Also have to have blood drawn the same day for a cortisol suppression test. I will be a pincushion.    — Julia O. (posted on April 23, 2001)

April 23, 2001
Hi, I had to have a pulmonary test done. It was quite extensive in my opinion. I had to see the pulmonary doc and he gave me a quick physical, questions, listened to heart that kind of thing. I had tohave a chest xray done and then a breathing test on this big machine. they tell you what to do as you go. i had tohave it because i was a smoker for so i did pass with flying colors. blood gasses are blood being drawn but they have to get it from a major artery. i was very nervous to have this done, but the tech i had was very good and it was done with minimal discomfort. it is worse then a regular blood draw though. good luck and be strong. these hoops are necessary to get to the other side. and these are much easier...cindy
   — Cindy S.

April 24, 2001
A BASIC pulmonary function test is simple. You breathe into a tube which is hooked up to a computer which monitors how much air you intake and then exhale. This test is done to evaluate the lung's ability to withstand surgery & recovery. There are more extensive tests as described by the previous poster. I am a non-smoker with asthma and all I had to do was inhale/exhale into the machine 3 times.
   — Laura B.

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