Will I have to take all my piercings out?

I have my tounge, nose and eyebrow pierced. I know I have to take my tounge bar-bell out.... But do I have to take my eyebrow or nose piercing out? I dont have a problem with my nose cuz I can get repierced.... But worried about my eyebrow!    — kiara26 (posted on May 5, 2001)

May 5, 2001
I am 4 days post op from VBG, and I have my tongue pierced. I removed it the day of my surgery and my girlfriend put it back 3 days after my surgery. You gotta wait until the NG tube is removed at least. We checked with the nurse on duty to get the okay to replace it.You will have to remove all jewlery/piercing prior to surgery more then likely. Good luck!
   — Rose V.

May 5, 2001
I just had my surgery on 4-23-01 and in my pre-op info from the hospital they request all jewelry be removed because they don't want to be responsible for any of it. Good luck, -Katie
   — KATIE B.

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