What is the worst part when you come home from the hospital?

I know this is silly, but I want to know what to expect..thanks    — sherry F. (posted on July 30, 2001)

July 29, 2001
Last week at exactly this time they were preping me for surgery. You can look at my profile I was lap and have had little pain or problems. Slept in my own bed from day one. Getting out of bed or up from a sofa is definetely the most painful times. Its really something for ME the worrying about this since january was REALLY WORSE than the actually doing it. I now feel like someone lifted a 100,000 pounds off my shoulders. Life is worth living again, rather than just putting in the days. I really cant put it into words but post op is the place to be. My drain tube is driving me buggy, it hurts and prevents me from getting a good nights sleep.
   — bob-haller

July 29, 2001
the worst for me was going from a laying down position to standing up. I kept a kitchen chair by my side to use as support.
   — Rose A.

July 29, 2001
I had two things that stunk. I am just under two weeks post op and am still trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. I've tried the recliner and all. I'm a belly sleeper and don't think I'll have a decent nights sleep until I can lay comfortably on my belly. The other thing was the insane thirst. Get sugar free popsicles, they seem to be the most refreshing thing for me. I never even bothered with popsicles before surgery (not when there's Ben and Jerry's ice cream to be eaten). But I have to say they have become a lifesaver for me.
   — KimBo36

July 29, 2001
Hello. I had the Lap RNY 5 weeks ago and the pain was bearable. But like Bob said, the drainage tube was annoying. Not painful for me, but annoying because I wasn't sure if it was supposed to hang down, be pinned up, etc. Also, got a really heavy period 3 days after getting home. The kind where you are up in the middle of the night changing pads (sorry for the graphics...).
   — Kimberly L.

July 29, 2001
I am one week post op today---yea me!! I was pretty relieved coming home. I agree with Rose that the worst thing is when you wake up and have to get out of bed, that half of a sit up feeling. I thought I felt great and stop taking my meds at home. I learned that your meds are your best friend at home. Don't get of schedule. I set my liquid meds next to my bed. Before I even got out of bed, I reached over and took my medicine. I waited a few minutes and got out of bed with an extra kick. I felt more than perfect all day!! If you stay on your meds you will not be in ANY pain or discomfort at all!!! Secondly---head hunger will strike at home. With no nurse or anyoone there you are then free to eat more than you should. I felt that I would not get head hunger but I did. Be prepared to just want to eat! I found the solution to be sugar free popsicles. I had the worst head hunger last night at 11pm. I ate almost 3 of them. But I know thats a helathy way to handle it verse my old way of a late night run to Taco Bell. But, be prepared for how you will handle it cause it happens during that first week or two at home. Good luck!
   — Courtney W.

July 29, 2001
I agree that getting to a standing position from lying down was painful. But the worst thing for me was anxiety. I have not had panic attacks before but I sure did have them the first 1 1/2 weeks after surgery. Apparently it was a reaction from the anesthesia and it was slowly leaving my system. My doc ordered some ativan that I used PRN and within 2 weeks they were gone. They sure were uncomfortable though, I felt like I was literally going to crawl out of my skin-I couldn't get away from the jittery feelings. I haven't heard of lots of people having this and I hope your recovery is as smooth as possible!
   — Brenda H.

August 2, 2001
I agree that it was very painful to sit and stand up. But if you have some time before your surgery, you might do some exercises to strengthen your arms and legs. I did that and I found that it was much less painful to get up and down because I could rely on my legs and arms to do all the work without using those tender abs! It was much less painful for me than when I had a C-section. Oh, and I also lost 15 pounds before the surgery. Bonus!
   — ctyst

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