I heard the average woman is size 14?

Is this true? And if so at 5'2" how much should I weigh to be a size 14? I can't remember ever being a size 14.    — Kendra A. (posted on October 15, 2001)

October 15, 2001
Yes, they are saying that the average woman in the US is a size 14. No one call tell you how much a paerticular 5'2" woman would weight to get to a size 14. There are so many variables. For instance. I'm 5'5", 210lbs, and I wear a size 18. My best friend is the same height, weights 170 and wears a size 16. I outweight her by 40lbs.... it drives her up a wall (lol). I think some peole have heavier bones or something. When I was 350lbs. no one could believe it....everytimemI got weighted they pur the weight on 200 and I'd have to tell them to move it because I was well over the 300 mark.
   — [Anonymous]

October 15, 2001
I just read somewhere, not too long ago, that the "average" American woman is 5'4", a size 14, and weighs roughly 145 pounds. So I'm perfectly average, smaller than average, and heavier than average, respectively. I still weigh close to 160 and wear a size 8 or 10 pants, depending on the maker. So the short answer is I have no idea how much you should weigh to make a size 14--the actual weight depends on a lot of other factors. I have a friend who's 5'2", 145 pounds, and a size 12; on the other hand, I know of people who are in that same general height/size range and weigh anywhere from 120 to 180. It just depends on your muscle and bone density, and on how your body is proportioned.
   — Suzanne B.

October 15, 2001
It's true. Amazing isn't it? The average women is a size 14 yet you wouldn't know it to look at magazines, movies and TV.
   — Elizabeth A.

October 15, 2001
Kendra, I am 5'1" and weigh 141 pounds and I wear an 8-10 depending on the style. However, I don't think I look like I am 141 pounds because I weightlift and have toned up quite a bit. I can't remember what I weighed when I wore a 14 especially since I went lower fairly quickly. I DO know if I could lose the sagging skin I could lose a size or two more:) Oh well, at 42 I think I will be living with the skin:)
   — M B.

October 15, 2001
I'm 5'9 & weigh 175. I'm wearing sizes 12 & 14 ususally. I'm bigger on top so I tend to need the bigger size there. On a recent shopping trip, in the same store (Ross, my favorite!), I bought a very nice jacket in size 16, a size medium sweater, a pair of size 14 Dockers & a pair of stretch jeans in size 12. There's so much variation in sizes, I don't know WHAT size I really am, only that I have to try EVERYTHING on now. Fortunately, now I LOVE trying on clothes.
   — Kathy W.

October 16, 2001
i am 195 lbs and 5'3 and fit in a size 14 jeans. idont know what it depends on but i am satisfied with it. after fitting in a size 26, 14 will do just fine..i wish for a 10, but i have to work towards that..
   — christina C.

October 16, 2001
I'm 5'7", weigh 162 and wear size 14 jeans, size 12 dress and I feel 'average'. If I were 5'2" and wore a size 14, I think I'd feel a little chubby still.
   — Cindy H.

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