Has anyone had side effects with the WL drug Meridia?

My doctor prescribed it to me, and I just wanted to know what to look out for. He said he wants to exhaust every possibility so 1) We can be sure of a referral and 2) that I don't go through the surgery if I don't need it.    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 20, 2001)

November 20, 2001
Hi! I took Meridia for about 10 months pre-op. I only lost 10 lbs, so it was not worth it at all. The only side effect I experienced was heart palpitations. My heart would race frequently, especially if I was nervous or if I felt rushed. I had no problems with BM's or anything else. I hope this helps you!!!
   — Becky H.

November 20, 2001
My pharmicist told me that Meridia is the same thing as Prozac - I took it for a while and REALLY hated how it made me feel. I was way too mellowed out and didn't like it at all. They prescribe it because the SIDE AFFECT of the drug is weight loss, but it's not the primary function of this drug. Be careful with it.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 20, 2001
I am pre-op and have recently tried Meridia, in a last attempt to try and lose weight before surgery. It made me very nauseous, I mean really nauseous. So naseaous, I went to my doctor and took a pregnancy test. It also gave me blurry vision. I stayed on it for 3 weeks while following the Atkins Diet. It did really help me with the cravings for high carb foods. I'm not taking it anymore and have lost 26 pounds. If you are trying to lose weight before surgery I would highly recommend the Atkin's Diet. It helps you get into the mode of eating lots of protein. Good luck!
   — Angie B.

November 20, 2001
I took Meridia for three months prior to my wls. I had absolutely no side effects. I also had absolutely no results! It did nothing for me. It didn't effect my eating habits at all.
   — [Anonymous]

November 20, 2001
I tried Meridia when it first came out, and like the person before me I saw NO results or side-effects what so ever! I was anxious to try it because I had been very successful on Phen-fen but then gained back all my loss when it was taken off the market. (I'm now 7 weeks post-op (open rny)and have lost almost 60 lbs!)
   — Jennifer H.

November 20, 2001
I took Meridia about 2 years ago. I was one of the very few lucky ones. I lost about 90 lbs on it BUT be very careful with it because once I went off the Meridia I gained it all right back and then some. Which is not exactly what I call a moral booster! Some of the side effects I experienced were dry mouth, sleeplessness, constipation & I was very jittery for some reason. Best of luck on it!
   — Allison T.

November 20, 2001
I am not one to recommend dishonesty. But, will your doctor know whether you actually take the medicine? If you are trying to get a doctor's referral and have a supervised diet history, just get the prescription filled. No one can make you take it and no one will know if you do or not. Now, if you aren't concerned about the side effects (as most here have not had any bad ones) then go ahead and see if it works. Surgery really should be the last resort. However, if you are just trying for documentation of supervision, I would say skip the drugs.
   — [Anonymous]

November 20, 2001
Meridia is a drug that was suppose to have been a "psych" med. The patients that took it lost weight also. But it did not do what it was intended for in the way of effecting the mood of the "psych" patient. It sat around on the shelves for months and then the company that manufactures it started to use it as a weight loss drug. I used it and at 5mg it calmed me down but did not suppress my appetite. At 10mg it mellowed me waaaay out, made me very nauseous, and raised my blood pressure substantially. I did not have high blood pressure to begin with. I kept a severe headache and a runny nose. I lost about 20# in 8 mos. Gained it all back and then some when I stopped using it. I am so grateful that I don't have to use anything like that now. Good luck.
   — Margaret M.

November 20, 2001
Drugs like zenical and meredia average weight loss 10% of what your overweight by, which is better than dieting with a loss of just 5%. These percentages from barbara thompsons great book on weight loss surgery. You MUST take the drugs forever, or the weight will return...
   — bob-haller

November 20, 2001
Yes there is a major side effect to Meridia... pain in the pocketbook! Meridia is very expensive and for me the 30lbs I lost certainly doesnt make a dent in my obesity. Also it caused a bit of insomnia and jitters but that can be somewhat relieved by the time of day you take it. Good Luck :)
   — [Anonymous]

November 24, 2001
In 6 months of Meridia, I lost 18 pounds, was jittery, irritable, and just generally off-balance. I would go with the anonymous poster and fill the script and not take the meds. PS: After a while, the Meridia didn't even affect my appetite at all. In the beginning, it lessened my appetite, but then I over-ate as a result of the stress it (the Meridia) caused me!
   — Kathy J.

March 19, 2002
I took merida for 4 months lost 20lbs and some hair alot of hair from my head!!
   — blank first name B.

March 20, 2002
Itoo took Meridia for several months. I did lose some weight but the side effects were too much for me to handle. After about 2 months I developed total insomnia. I literally did not sleep for days. I was very, very irritable and jittery. Stopped the drug for several months because the cost was excessive. Several months later I tried Meridia again and the same thing started to happen. So I knew definately that it was the Meridia doing this and not just job stress, etc.
   — honeybee1247

August 16, 2002
HI, i took the diet durg merdia, and it gave me high blood, made me feed jittery, i could not sleep at night, always felt sleep and constant headache, which now i am dignosed with migrane headache after being taken off merdia for nearly 7 months now, i still feel my heart race at times but my head aches are constant, i have no more problem with my blood pressure is normal now thank GOD!
   — katina O.

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