Will the depo provera shot make it harder to loose weight after WLS?

Also, will the depo birth control still be as effective? Thanks!    — Jennifer W. (posted on December 26, 2001)

December 26, 2001
I understand the shots are the most effective method for us post-ops. As for the depo making it harder to loose weight, well I\'m not sure. But I know the depo makes many people put on weight. That\'s why I no longer take it. You might also want to research the new monthly shot, Lunelle. I am taking this now with no apparent side effects. It is monthly, you still have a period, and you don\'t need to wait more than a month to start making babies when you are ready. Best of luck.
   — Tracy L.

December 26, 2001
I started Depo over a year before my surgery, and never gained weight, until I decided to have surgery and then ate like a pig! :) My surgeon urged me to continue with it. I have lost consistently since my surgery in November. If there is weight gain, it is not permanent. It is usually less than five pounds. Heck, if I get stuck five pounds above goal weight, I\'m not going to fret, because it\'s more than I\'d ever get on my own. As for effectiveness, my surgeon says that absorption of the pill is still under study, and until something has been determined, he recommends depo, as it is definitely absorbed correctly. Good Luck!
   — Deborah W.

December 26, 2001
Well, everyone is different, but I sure packed on the pounds. When I started Depo my senior year in highschool, I was at about 250. Obese, yes, but not morbidly obese (I\'m 5\'10\"). Since then, I\'ve put on about 50lbs. My appetite was really hard to control. Also, my period went away. I\'ve been off Depo since Oct. of last year, and my period still hasn\'t come back. It\'s just a little disconcerting.
   — Jennifer Y.

December 26, 2001
I had surgery 8-15-01 Lap RNY (-80lbs)and have had no side effects from my Depo since surgery. I also have been on Depo for 6 years - I did gain weight but can\'t say if it was the Depo shot or my consistent poor eating habits. I swear by my Depo shot - but please remember we are all different. Best of luck!
   — Staci P.

December 26, 2001
I had the depo provera shot at about 2 mos after surgery. I don\'t think it hurt my weight loss (I reached goal at 7 mos post op). I did have a 3 month period which sucked big time. Now that I am off it, I have no more period. It really screwed with my system. Just be prepared if you\'ve previously had reactions to other birth control methods. My doctor told me I wouldn\'t have a period with depo and I was NOT amused when my monthly visitor set up shop and refused to leave :(
   — ctyst

December 26, 2001
I myself would not reccomend the Depo shot to anyone. I must have gained at least 40 pounds on it, and I didn\'t have a period for the 5 years I was on it. I couldn\'t take bc pills because the Dr. thought they migh have caused my migraines. (they ended up being caused by my ex, LOL) I just don\'t think the depo is healthy. There is a new shot called Lunelle, which is once a month. I believe all post ops should probably use a barrier bc, ie, condoms, because many of us are so VERY fertile!!! Good luck!! Donna
   — Donna S. C.

December 26, 2001
I think Depo gets a bad rap. Why would anyone complain about not getting periods? Good riddance, I say! I\'ve heard women complaining about gaining weight on every single method of birth control. I\'ve tried \'em all and never gained weight because of the b.c. Personally, I think a lot of it is in people\'s heads! Expect to gain weight = you gain weight.
   — Angie M.

December 26, 2001
In response to Angie\'s answer, I must say it is most definately NOT in people\'s heads. Depo-Provera is full of progestin, not estrogen. It fools a woman\'s body into thinking it is pregnant. I don\'t know about you, but every pregnant person I have known has had a hard time controlling their appetite. Your brain is trying to tell you to eat for two people, and that is really hard to fight. I certainly don\'t find myself trying to stuff in things I really don\'t need the way I did when I was on the Depo.
   — Jennifer Y.

December 27, 2001
Also, in addition to my cycle being gone for 5 years, after I came off Depo, I had a tough battle with endometriosis, and a lot of ovarian cysts. Don't know if the Depo was the cause, but it really made me wonder. Just a thought.
   — Donna S. C.

December 27, 2001
My oldest daughter has been on the Deprovera shots for about a year and a half and hasn't gained anything. Of course, she wears a size 3, so she measures weight gains in OUNCES... lol I think it's effect on individuals will be different for each.. If that's the program you're on now..I'd say stick with it until you find out it's NOT working for weight control. As far as it's effectiveness as a birth control during WLS.. that's something you'll have to discuss with your PCP or surgeon. Good luck
   — Diane E.

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