How much did your surgery cost?

I just received my insurance statement and It says that my surgery was almost 48,000.00 does this sound right not to mention that I have gotten other statements which have my leak test , gallbladder ultrasound , and around 5,000.00 that state for obesity surgery which I am assuming is part of my doctors cost. I thought that the surgery would be around 30,000.00 I would appreciate any info , oh I had my surgery at the btc in yipsilanti Michigan . thanks in advance.    — Arlene V. (posted on January 24, 2002)

January 24, 2002
My surgery cost $58,000 according to my statements. I had four days in the hospital and Lap RNY on 10/29/01. I have a maximum out of pocket cost of only $1200.00 though so that's all I had to pay.
   — vbenedict0208

January 24, 2002
WOW!!! That's expensive!!! Our Surgeon quoted us 4,000 with 500 being paid upfront!!! We are using Dr. Peter O'Brien and he has come highly recommended. He practices in Sioux Falls, SD I know that he has had many people travel from other states and even from other countries to have surgery, maybe you should shop around and see what the going rate is elsewhere?
   — Allie A.

January 24, 2002
The $4000 is your *surgeon's* fee. My surgeon's fee is $12K (Lap-DS), but when you add in the hospital, anesthesiologist, pathology lab, bloodwork, supplies and slippers, it'll probably come out to be about $45K.
   — [Anonymous]

January 24, 2002
I know that others have disputed this, but I really do think they jack up the price for those patients with insurance. Even though there is a difference in where you live, but there shouldn't be THAT much of a difference. I had a Lap RNY by Dr. Champion in Marietta GA, was self pay, and my *total* cost was $18,700. I also had quotes from 2 other docs... 1 in GA and 1 in SC and they too were under $20,000. I know this isn't a a situation you want to look for a bargain, but Dr. Champion is one of the best Lap surgeons, so I would think he would be the most expensive if it were truly based on ability. No wonder insurance companies are so hesitant in approving patients.
   — [Anonymous]

January 24, 2002
I can only say that this wls is a commodity, regardless of who the surgeon is. A sureon ofice in Green Bay quoted me almost 6 thousand with another 1000 for an assistant. Meanwhile, in Milwualkee, (2 hour drive)the surgeon office quoted me 3500.00(and he is the best at what he does)Plus, his facility is working with the local hospital to make a self-pay payment scale, versus the insurence billed charges.Its not that you would be cut a break, nessacarily, its just that they wouldnt give you slippers,(an examlpe) that cost 12 bucks, you would have to bring them yourself.From what I understand, insurence is billed about 20 K, where as self pay at this rate would cost more like 12,ooo.Its crazy I know, but I have Granparents on Medicare, and even though they cnat pay what I can pay, I want them to have the best care, and will cough up more money to equel out medical liability. Surgeons are new to compitition thing in a way, you have to figure that first, wls had to come out of the "shameless closet" that it was in, then it had to become recognized as an acceptable avenue, for us to take, and now it will have to enter a market where the doctors are chasing us for our attention,and when that happens, the fees will become more level, and stable.
   — [Anonymous]

January 24, 2002
The hospital charges alone in my case were a little over $32,000.00. That does not include the surgeon's fee or anesthesia.
   — Pam S.

January 24, 2002
Dr. J.K. Champion of Marietta, GA, also performed my lap RNY. He is one of the pioneers in the field of laparascopic WLS and is internationally renowned for his expertise and experience. The all-inclusive fee (surgeon, assistant, anesthesia, and hospital) was $18,700. Last year, he withdrew his surgical privileges from a local hospital, because he found out that the hospital was billing insurance providers in excess of $45,000 for the exact same surgery that private pay patients were paying $18,700. This over-billing practice by hospitals is apparently a more common practice than we would like to believe, and I felt that it was a magnificent moral and ethical stand on the part of my surgeon to discontinue his affiliation with a facility that would participate in this practice. Unethical billing practice on the part of some hospitals is certainly a major reason that our insurance premiums are outrageously high and continue to climb. Pre-op patients need to be aware that this practice exists, and that there are also bariatric surgeons across the country who are charging tens of thousands of dollars for the very same surgery that other extremely reputable bariatric surgeons charge $3000-$5000 to perform. Never sacrifice experience or expertise, but it would be worthwhile to shop around and compare fees before making a final decision regarding the surgeon and the facility in which he practices.
   — [Anonymous]

January 24, 2002
I also had my surgery at BTC in Ypsilanti and my charges total about 47K. Thank God for 100% insurance coverage.
   — Missy M.

January 24, 2002
I guess I was surprised at the amount others posted. I had a Open RNY on June 11, 2001. My hospital bill was only $14,000 for 4 days in. My surgeons fee was $5,000.00 and he also had another surgeon assist which was $3,000.00. My Pre op testing was around $1,700.00 and the anesthia (sp?) was around $2,000.00 so all in all about $25,000.00 for everything. Thankgoodness that my insurance paid almost 100% because I had another surgery prior and had already paid my $1,500.00 out of pocket cost. I think Ive only spent around $200.00 out of pocket for this surgery, and about $1,300.00 out of pocket for my back surgery I had prior to this one. Hope this helps.
   — Ann A.

January 24, 2002
My total charges for surgery - hospital, surgeon, assistant surgeon, pre-op testing was just over $23,000. The surgeon and assistant surgeon't bill was a little over $7,000 and this was for Open RNY and removal of the gallbladder and a hernia repair. I think my insurance company got a very good bargain.
   — Patty_Butler

January 25, 2002
There is a differance between the actual charge and what the insurance pays. Most hospitals will charge in excess but will only recieve a set amount from the insurance company. If they are a provider for that insurance company the have to in most cases write off the excess amount all but deductables and co-pays. Check your bills and look at your EOB from the insurance company and call your insurance company they can help you fiqure out exactly what you owe. Lisa Bohnert
   — Lisa B.

January 25, 2002
I got the total bill before insurance was around 34,500. And so far out of pocket I have spent around 1000.00 for my part that the insurance wouldn't pay for...still have more to go though. Didn't realize how many people get a piece of the pie (dr's, anethesia, hospital, labs etc.) Insurance paying 90%. Hope that helps
   — Cherie K.

January 25, 2002
$50,000.00 BUCKAROOS!!!!!!!! No complications 3 days in the hospital LAP RNY. UPMC Presby-Pittsburgh,PA
   — Kristina P.

January 25, 2002
I'm still waiting for the anesthesiologists bill but right now, I've accumulated about $28000.00. I'm a Lap RNY and was in the hospital for 2 days. I'm in Columbus, Ohio.
   — Patty H.

January 25, 2002
Just my Hospital bill was $40,800. My sugeons fees, anesthesia and what have you not included. AND I was in the hospital 11 days.
   — August S.

January 28, 2002
i kid you not!!!!!! my hopsital bill from u.c.davis in sacramento ca was 76,601.00 i could not believe this but i have the bill to prove it.i had no complications. thank god. i was in the hospital 5 days. my house didn't even cost that. all i can say is wow.. i hope they put some 24karet gold up in there :0)a big diamond or something. smiles.
   — enriqueta C.

January 29, 2002
36,000 + the costs of initial consults, and PCP, and testing, and aftercare. I would Estimate the Cost at around 42,000 dollars so far. in the Hospital 4 days, and no complications.
   — sbinkerd1

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