I recently had a sleep study...

And it seemed to go well. However, they did not put the CPAP machine on me at all that night. Does this mean I do not have sleep apnea? What other reasons could there be for me feeling like I get hardly any sleep? I usually sleep 7-8 hours a night, but I always wake up feeling like the living dead. I have headaches and my eyes are puffy. Is there anything else that could be causing this?    — Carol E. (posted on March 22, 2002)

March 22, 2002
carol, some sleep studies r done in 2 parts. the first part is the diagnosis & then the 2nd part, done another nite, is regulating the cpap pressure. this sounds to me like urs is a two parter.
   — sheryl titone

March 22, 2002
I also just had my sleep study done last month and I didnt wear the Cpap machine either. Nor do I need to as I do NOT have apnea. I consider it a blessing!!! ttfn !~
   — Sassy M.

March 22, 2002
I am by no means a doc but have you been tested for allergies? Old pillows are notoriouse sp? for holding dust and agitating them. Try a new pillow, some benedryl maybe? just a thought. Good luck
   — Kathy B.

March 22, 2002
I asked my doctor about this same thing. I am tired all the time, but was found not to have sleep apnea. Basically my doctor said it is the weight. I mean, if other people had to carry an extra person around on their back all day, they would be tired, too. I've found that I do best if I can get about 10 hours of sleep. Nine is ok, too, but eight usually leaves me really tired at the end of the day.
   — Jennifer Y.

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