A questions about short-term and state disability....

I qualify for short-term disability at my work. I am covered for about 12 weeks. I plan to take 4-6 weeks. The first two weeks will be covered 100% and the rest (up to 10 weeks) will be covered 70%. I was wondering if I could also apply for state disability and get the other 30% covered. Also, how do I apply for either of them? I have filled out all the paperwork for the FMLA at work, but I don't know how to apply for the short term disability. Is this automatic? I know my doc will probably help me with the state ones. Any help would be appreciated.    — Carol E. (posted on April 10, 2002)

April 10, 2002
Although I live in Illinois, I believe that most government (state or Federal) programs will only kick in once you have used up all of your benefits through your employer. Those programs are meant for long-term disability (minimum of one year I'm thinking). You are very lucky to have short term disability through your employer, many don't offer it. Unfortunately, you may have to accept having only 70% of your income for awhile. You may want to do an internet search for "disability benefits or programs" and look for your state specifically. Take care and Good Luck - Anna
   — Anna L.

April 10, 2002
To apply for the short term diability at work, contact your HR department. I work for state government and think you will have a difficult time no matter what your state getting any short term disability from state sources. I'm 99% sure that you would have to exhaust all your employer benefits first.
   — garw

April 12, 2002
You should receive your state disability forms from your employer. What typically happens is that you receive state disability, and then your company pays you the difference up to what the total coverage under their short term disability plan is. So, let's say your company plan pays you 70% of your salary. State disability is paying you 30% of your salary. Your company is not going to pay you the 70%; they will kick in 40%, so that your total income is at 70%. Now, if your short term disability plan is calculated by hours, this is not a bad thing, because you won't be using up as much of your "bank".
   — kateseidel

April 12, 2002
Hi! I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago.My experience with getting disability was frustrating....I first had to use up my FMLA,then I went on short term disability,then I exceeded that time limit and was still disabled,so I applied for long term disability.This took them 6 months to approve even though I could not return to work...during those six months I didn't recieve a dime.When they finally approved it,I did recieve a check for back payments.After I was approved for the longterm disability I was required by them to apply for social security disability...then the long term disability company decided after 2 years of payments that I was no longer disabled,even though my doctor would still not release me to go back to work...Thank God Social security approved me 3 weeks after that.The whole experience was long and and time consuming.
   — jennifer A.

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