Looking for information on Dr. Robert Glazeski

I will have my psych, evaluation on May 3. I am nervous. My surgeon James Deboard referred me to this DR. Would like to have any information, ok so I am trying to get the inside scoop, so give me a bucket of chicken and a French Vanilla ice cream come to put more weight on me, what will 5 more pounds do to this body. Please please come on Illini post ops give    — marta B. (posted on April 27, 2002)

April 27, 2002
i had my psych. elval. with him too he is not a bad guy just asked a couple a questions and that was it he gave me his card and told me to call him after surgery if i needed some one to talk too the apointment only took a half hour at the most.
   — chrissy T.

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