My insurance wants a letter detailing my weight loss history

Are there any letters that could help me in writing my letter to the insurance, or maybe a giudeline of some sort. I need this asap thanks    — Elizabeth P. (posted on May 16, 2002)

May 16, 2002
Here is the format my Dr gave me for Diet History Outline for my insurance company (and yes, I was approved)---- Have PCP include letter if you have one, more is better! Include name,age and weight. Narrative- (example) I am a 20 year old femaile. I have had a weight problem all of my life(at least 5years). I have tried.......(list any and all dieting efforts) 1st-1994 .... 2nd-1995 weight watchers ...lost 35lbs,gaines 20lbs 3rd-1996, Cabbage diet lost 20lbs gained 25..... 4th-1997.Jenny Craig, lost 40lbs,gained 30lbs ETC.... Then List all medical conditions related to your weight(diabetes,hypertension,joint pains,sleep apnea etc..) List any family history. Comment on the mental aspects to your weight. List activities of daily activity that you can't do b/c of your weight.(play with your kids, fit in airplane or movie theatre seat, walking up steps, bath properly, sex etc...) Try to explain how you fell about your weight and how this procedure is for medical reasons. Be very convincing and appealing. Your narrative may be what the insurance company bases their approval on! Obtain any records and/or receipts related to your weight(last 5 yrs) HOPE THIS HELPS!! It did for me!!!
   — Sunny4x4chick

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