My Doctor has me on liquid diet for 1 week, surgery 12-10-02

but I can barely stand it anymore, is there anything that i can eat like pureed foods? thanks    — Karen W. (posted on December 14, 2002)

December 14, 2002
<b><font face="comic sans ms"><font color=green>If your doctor wants you on liquids thats relly what you need to be on...its tough but its not for ever. Have you tried sugar free ice pops and sugar free jello to break the monotony? They are both considered clear liquids and helped me out a little bit! How about some clear broth? There is a medical reason for the liquids, don't jeapordize your healing at this point by moving ahead too fast to pureed foods. Good luck </b></font>
   — Linda 1.

December 14, 2002
Be happy with only one week, my surgeon has his pateints on liguids for 6 weeks! You can make it just vary what you are having and ask if you are really hungry? I am just now starting to feel hunger after 4 weeks post op. You need that new pouch time to heal please stick with the liguids for the week! Cathy
   — cathy G.

December 14, 2002
Many peopel on liquid diets use protein supps (not milk, no CIB) to maintain their strength & flavor thing. Starts to form the habit & may drop a lb or 3.
   — vitalady

December 14, 2002
Karen, I have to agree with the SF popsicles and the SF jello, they saved me that first week! I actually broke the popsicles up in a cup and ate them with a very small spoon. You get a good flavor with a bit of a "crunch" at the same time!! Your Dr. has you on these liquids for a reason, so please don't rush things.....I also ate a lot of ice!!! I got crushed ice from the local store and kept a bag in the freezer (still do)and poured diet 7-up over it....I found that quite good also... hope this helps. Love and Light,
   — medium

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