Are my expectations unrealistic? From 500+ to a Size 10?

Hello everyone.I am pre op,and I am waiting to see my surgeon,and I have been wondering this silently to myself for a while. I am 23 years old,and right now,I weigh in close to about 500 lbs,I believe. That is a guess-timation,due to the fact that I haven't been weighted in years. My question is,is my goal after getting my surgery of getting down to a size 10 unrealistic? I have seen on one website,,where she went from over 500 pounds down to 165 or around there,and that inspires me and gives me hope. Has anyone else been this high up in weight,and lost well down enough to fit into a size 10? I appreciate any and all comments. Thank you,and good luck on your journey.    — Lisa S. (posted on January 12, 2003)

January 12, 2003
YOU CAN DO IT! If you ever want to talk email me. You don't have to do it alone.Tonya
   — Tonya M.

January 12, 2003
I started out at 427 at the time of my operation (BMI of 73.5) and I am down to 288 (BMI of 49.6) and my 6-month anniversary is this coming Friday. My goal is 213 pounds (50% of my weight at the time of my surgery) and I have every expectation that I will make it there - and I will have to set a <b>new</b> goal. <p> During your psych eval, they may ask how much you want to lose. Don't be upset if they tell you it is unrealistic to lose that much weight. The psychologist told me that I could only expect a 30% loss of my original weight - well, I passed that 12 pounds ago and I am not even 6 months out. If they tell you that all you can expect to lose is 150 lbs (30% of your original body weight), then just tell them that you can live with that (if you get upset, it will only hurt your evaluation) and use that lowball estimate of your weight loss as motivation. That's what I have done...JR (open RNY 07/17 -139 lbs)
   — John Rushton

January 12, 2003
im sure you can do it.. maybe even more .. your young.. your a spring chicken..this is the worlds best tool... it is a real godsend.. i was 389 2 months ago at surgery weigh in.. im 8 weeks out and im 325.. im on top of the world!!!!!
   — Erinn M.

January 12, 2003
No, I don't think it's unrealistic. This surgery is a powerful tool, but hard work and determination make it work. You will get into a more managable weight range no matter how you work the RNY post op program...if you work hard by exercising and eating healthy, and understanding it's not a free ride..sure, I feel, that you can get into smaller sizes yet(dare I say it, skinny?? <g>) Just don't expect it to happen over night and don't loose faith in yourself. Good luck and God bless. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -147lbs
   — KimBo36

January 12, 2003
Lisa, They are right, you have your youth on your side. Losing weight should be a motivator to "be good" i.e, eat like you are suppose to, and exercise. Keep telling yourself that this dream is in YOUR hands. Get support, tell yourself that you are already there, it is just how will you get there, and how long it will take you. It is a long journey, but opptimism is the strongest medicine! Good Luck!
   — Michele B.

January 12, 2003
Lisa, I read your profile and it broke my heart! You want this badly enough, and you can do it! One day at a time. WLS is a wonderful gift that we are so fortunate to have. Use your gift to its fullest potential and you'll see that size 10!
   — Michele C.

January 12, 2003
Lisa, Check out My Gastric Bypass at the following email site which should give you great inspiration! Everyone else check it out too. My open RNY is February 11, 2003 and am counting the days. Good Luck.
   — Michael K.

January 12, 2003
Thank you,everyone,for the words of encouragement. I come to this site to gain inspiration,and to help me keep my chin up doing the LONG wait I have endured. I could almost say I have been living ambiguously through people who have had their surgery already. Lol. Anyways,thank you so much for the words of encouragement. You all have no idea how much they mean to me. <3
   — Lisa S.

January 12, 2003
I'm sure if you set your mind to it that you can meet your goals. I know we all have magical numbers but I've realized as I've gotten older that as long as I get to a healthy weight I wouldn't be concerned about the size I ended up in. What I'm trying to say is to not beat yourself up if you don't make a 10 but maybe end up a 12/14. Or what if you end up an 8? You never know!
   — Melanie N.

January 12, 2003
hi im 34 and i had open rny on 10/02/02 my start weight was 495 at my 10 week check up i was down 65 pounds i go to my surgeon on thurs to get weighed again and am hoping for another 20 gone. I know if i can lose this weight anyone can. I hoping to get down to 175 but they say 265 i will be ok with 265 but im going to try like heck for that 175. Good luck in what ever you decide but with faith and hard work i know you can do it.
   — qtalleycat68

January 13, 2003
Hey Lisa!!! Well my surgery is this Friday! Whoo hoo!!! 3 days away and I'm starting out at 460. I'll post on my profile as often as I can , but my goal is 250 my docs goal is 160-170. But I want you to know I will be happy at 250 at this point I will be happy at 299! I think once I get back to the 300's I'll be able to exercise more and meet my goal. I wish you all the best and my prayers are with you. Best wishes:)!!!
   — Kimmie C.

January 13, 2003
Lisa, I just read your profile, and my heart breaks for you sweetie. I, too, felt like that blob that was just existing when I was pre-op. It really does a number on your self-esteem and self-confidence, doesn't it? Now, almost a year after WLS, and a size 12, I am a new person, full of self-confidence and self-esteem. I know that you can do this too. It may take you a few years to get to your goal but with determination and yes, some work, you can get there. And once the weight starts falling off, you will get inspired to work the tool and get to your goal. No one should have to live like you are living, or existing, right now. Keep up your faith, it will happen for you soon.
   — Cindy R.

January 13, 2003
Hi Lisa...just wanted to wish you lots of luck in your weight loss goals. I know how those magic numbers (sizes) can be...mine is size 8. Anyway, you will probably be able to reach your goal, and may even qualify for plastic surgery paid for by your ins co., depending on how much skin is hanging, etc. once you start losing. This will definitely help, I am sure. Warm Regards...
   — rebeccamayhew

January 18, 2003
Hi LIsa.. I started out a light weight, so I dont know how much I can really help you out.. but maybe my example might shed a little light for ya.. <p> I'm 5'4, was 250 pre op. Started a 24/26W. My dream was to be an 8/9. You know, single digets. Well, now, I'm 17 mos post op, down 130 pounds and a 4/6! It just got smaller and smaller. No, I DID NOT exercise (BAD BAD BAD).. If I had.. or even if I do now, the doc told me that I would be a smaller size than I am now.. on top of that, if I had my skin removed, I'd probably be closer to a 0/2! (Not too sure If i want that!). But I think it is entirely possible for you to get to your dream size.. perhaps even smaller if you are dedicated to your weight loss, by eating right, taking your vits, drinking your water, and EXERCISING. (And if the WLS gods are on your side.) Many people start this journey out with the greatest of intentions, but get sad when complications arise. Keep your spirits up! Now, you are starting your WLS journey with a higher start weight than I, and I know I need a TT, perhaps you may too.. that will certainly help in the clothes department. <p> Lisa, if you would like to chat.. or need an angel, please let me know. I'd love to assist you in any way. Congrats on the WLS! Annie
   — Annie R.

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