need answer

Hi everyone today i got a date 6/23/03 but was told that i need to lose 20 lbs before surgery.Will someone please tell me how to lose these stubbon lbs before then.Also is anyone in the warner robins area that will love to go walking please let me know.    — MRS. HONEY (posted on April 4, 2003)

April 3, 2003
I would follow the Atkins program since that's pretty much what you will have to follow post-op. It consists of a high protein, lo-carb diet. I remember not really understanding what lo-carb meant. Pretty much everything except meat and fish contains carbs including fruit and vegetables. You should avoid things that are high in sugar and items such as pastas, bread, rice. Get your walking in and you should be good to go. Good luck.
   — Yolanda J.

April 3, 2003
I agree with the last poster about the Atkins diet. Many have been pretty successful on that one. Actually my 5' tall 120lb mother started on it and this past month lost 11 pounds. That's a lot for a little person! So, I think if you need to drop 20 in 2 1/2 months that could be the way to go. All this is going to make getting into your post-op life not soo much of a shock too since we are supposed to be eating mostly protein anyway. Good Luck!
   — Dee ,.

April 3, 2003
Sorry, also forgot to say, go to the website, it tells you how it all works.
   — Dee ,.

April 3, 2003
I agree with the others. I'm 3 weeks post-op and used the Atkins' to lose 18 pounds before surgery. If you have a sugar addiction, going cold-turkey off sugar will be very difficult, but not impossible. What I liked about the Atkins' was that it gave me a real taste of what it would be like post-op in terms of what I could eat. But, it could never give me an idea of how little I would be able to or want to eat post-op. Best of luck to you. Many blessings, Robin Open RNY 3.13.03 254/234/120 -20
   — rebalspirit

April 5, 2003
My thought on this is to calorie count - even if you do the atkins diet. Weight loss is simply a math problem. Intake less calories than you expend. Kaiser has me doing this as I wait for surgery and I have lost 14 pounds in 4 weeks. How many calories you need to decrease to lose weight is also a math problem - which you will find the answer to many places on line. At my weight, I need to eat less than 2000 calories per day to lose 2 pounds per week. The less you weigh, the less calories your body needs. Best of luck to you - whatever you do!
   — MissKimberly

April 5, 2003
I got the answer love, "T-Lite", you will lose ten pounds in 3 days. I used it on several of my famous diet attempts to STAY smaller, with success(but eventually gain it back every time). You can get it from Rite Aid, for $15.00 -- make sure you see the words "lose up to 10lbs in 3 days on the front of the bottle", and make sure to follow the meal plan to the "T" for the three days required. Dream On & God Bless!
   — JUNE P.

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