What should I do about my downhill marriage?

I hate to use this forum to ask for advise for something outside WLS, but I am quickly drawing to the end of my straw. I feel as if my husband is sabotaging me so that I can't have this surgery. Ever since I told him I wanted this a couple of years ago, he has been against it. He is afraid I will leave him for someone better. At this rate, he just might be right. At this point in my life, my family will not come down to see me, due to the fact that he cussed at them on the phone and told them he did not want them down here. None of my friends will come over, because he acts up around them, and I won't let them in because the house is a mess. He won't clean any, and when I do as much as I can to clean, he will come home, yell at me, and mess it up all over again. He threatens to hit me, and is often violent to the point of scaring me into fearing for my life. He cheats on me on a regular basis with other women, online and off. That has caused even more friction in our marriage. The house is a hell hole. I can't go anyplace. I can't have anyone over. And anytime I confront him on things, he is unpredictable as to how he will react. I know I have to stay with him so that I can get my surgery. I know that is unethical, but I have no other choice. He has insurance, and without it, I am sunk. I guess I am just looking for someone with an objective outside view to give me some insight as to what to do. I don't know how much longer I can take this. Most days, I am depressed beyond the point of consolation. When I tell him this, he just shrugs it off and says it isn't his problem. Where did my sweet, caring husband go? What do you all think I should do? Please, any and all advise is welcome.    — Lisa S. (posted on April 21, 2003)

April 20, 2003
You need to call a batered womans shelter and know in advance you can still get surgery. Divorce takes a long time, and that would give you the opportunity to get healthy and begin a new life. Wife beaters are the lowest of the low if you ask me.
   — bob-haller

April 20, 2003
I agree with Bob totally!! You can remain legally married and covered and not have to live with an abusive man. He knows what a miserable bastard he is and he is hopefully right that you WILL leave once you see other options. I would wait for him to go to work, pack my stuff and disappear! Do you have family who will quietly help you? Do you have kids? I am sure that there is someone out there who is waiting for that call so they an get you away from such a dangerous situation. NOBODY deserves to be hit or abused in any way!!!!
   — Carol S.

April 20, 2003
Ask yourself: Are you better off WITH or WITHOUT him? Good luck. You'll make the right decision. My advice: Start your weight loss surgery early and lose 200 lbs. immediately! Your worth way more than HIM! : p
   — msmaryk

April 20, 2003
I agree with the previous posters. Leave the SOB now! Get to a battered women's shelter - even if he hasn't hit you (you said "he threatens to hit me"), you are being emotionally abused and you have stated that you fear for your life. <p> It will take time for the divorce to go through (sounds like you have excellent grounds) and you will be covered under your husband's insurance until the divorce is final (and you may even be able to get the judge to make him pay for your health insurance coverage afterwards if you get a good enough lawyer). <p> He's afraid of you leaving him for someone better? From the description of him you have written, that would appear to be a good percentage of the male population. Leave him now - from looking at your profile, you are a young woman with most of her life ahead of her - especially after you have your surgery. Don't let this Neanderthal ruin your life any more...JR
   — John Rushton

April 20, 2003
You need to call the Battered Hotline. When I used to work it sometimes people were able to stay(shortly)to put a plan into action. However, if you are NOW fearful you need to leave NOW. Try to have a few documents handy if possible. The checking acct. #, ins. info. Savings acct. #, any 401K info. from your husbands work etc....If you can take money before you leave than do so.(It is part yours too) You need something to work with if possible. You don't have to stay and you certainly don't deserve this. It could be that your husband would be asked to leave the house. Document EVERYTHING. Who you speak with and when and a brief synopsis of what was said. THis includes conversations with your husband. Best wishes. Many times, even with a divorce the spouse's who has insurance will keep the other on until they can get their own etc..If you're not ready to leave and you feel safe enough to stay than start squirrling away money. Set up your own savings/checking acct. If you need to get a P.O. box and have the statements sent their.If you don't have your own Credit Card then try to get one. This will help you establish credit. Just because you have a card you need to be careful with it's use. It's easy to get in over your head when you think you're just starting out again. It's not for that purpose. Use it to establish Credit only. Again, have it sent to the P.O. Box. Or, have it sent to your family(only if they can/will be supportive and not nosey). YOu need to know you have choices and their is help! Best wishes
   — Linda M.

April 20, 2003
Run, don't walk to the nearest shelter, family or friend. Your husband is a monster who has the potential to ruin more than just your desire to have the surgery. Having the surgery is secondary to your present health and safety and your health and safety should be the primary thing you should be concerned with right now. As it has been said by some posters already, you'll have his insurance coverage during the divorce proceedings. In most states, it takes more than 90 days for a divorce to be finalized, so having insurance shouldn't be something you should be worried about. No one should ever have to live in fear of their life and that is exactly what you are doing now. You know what you need to do, you just needed confirmation/affirmation of what you need to do. Don't waste any time, make your plans and stick to them. Your life is the most valuable thing that has been given to you, don't give control of it to someone who doesn't have your best interests at heart.
   — Michele A.

April 20, 2003
First, Get out while you can. I see that your husband is military and you are living away from your family. It sounds like he's a control freak and he is trying to make you even more dependent on him than you already think you are. Make some phone calls and find out what your rights are when you divorce your abusive husband. Can they force him to continue insurance coverage on you for a specific period of time??? I also see where you've been waiting many months just for a consultation with a surgeon. Can you find another surgeon or ask your "regular" physician to refer you to another? Regardless...Get out...I bet your family would be happy to see you. You're young and have a long life ahead of you and you don't deserve to be treated this way. Go to your regular doctor on base and tell him/her what's going on and ask them to help you with the depression. Document everything you can (telling the physician is a good start). It will help you down the road as the military normally will not tolerate their members being abusive and will be sympathetic to the spouse being abused. I know this won't be the case for every person...but it has been the case for some. Good Luck.
   — Carolyn M.

April 21, 2003
GET OUT!!!!!! To hell with insurance...there are ways. Get the yellow pages and call a battered women's shelter and they will come and get you or send an police officer to come and get you----get out of there. Not only is he sabotaging your chances for surgery...he is trying to sabatoge your LIFE!!! Once in the battered women's shelter, they will help you get in touch with your family---friends, anyone who can help you. They can assist you with social services. Do not be dependent upon this man. GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!! I have been a court reporter in the criminal courts for almost 15 years...and I have seen this time and time and time again. GET OUT OF THERE NOW---YOUR VERY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

April 21, 2003

April 21, 2003
I don't need to repeat what the others have said. You deserve more. Please help yourself and get on the road to better mental health and the physical health will follow. Best of luck!!!!
   — Fixnmyself

April 21, 2003
Hi there, my suuggestion would be first, if you don't feel you can leave at this moment, get some counseling for yourself. It doesn't sound like your husband would go to couples counseling with you anyway, so go by yourself. If you can't afford it, call a psychologist's office and ask them to refer you to free or sliding-scale-fee counseling in your area. Go on your lunch hour if you work or go when your husband is not home. You need someone unbiased to talk to that can help you with your self esteem and your situation. I know how scary it can be when someone that is supposed to love you is violent and verbally abusive. Like all the other posters said, you deserve much more. A counselor can help you to figure out what you need to do to take care of you. If you do want to and are able to leave, I would suggest that if you husband has previously made threats on your life, obtain a restraining order from your local Superior Court so you can have some 'peace and quiet' in your life, or at least if your husband contacts you you can call the police and have him arrested for violating the restraining order. Good luck, and remember -- surgery or no surgery, insurance or no insurance, you are an important valuable person, and you don't have to take what your husband is dishing out. By being so "fearful" of your losing weight and leaving him, he is making his own fear come true. Get out of the relationship if you're ready to do that, have your surgery, and begin a new life and live it the way you want to! Good luck. Feel free to email me if you need to talk.
   — beeda

April 21, 2003
It is amazing what getting YOUR act together can do to a spouse that is not together...I am not going to repeat the advice you have now heard a hundred times..but I will add to it. #1, go get checked for VD immediately, including AIDS. #2 Get into some counseling, and if your insurance does not cover it, go to any of the free support groups (OA, CODA, etc.) #3 Your family will not only understand, but will give you a place to go, if you are afraid they would be in danger, then get the restraining order and USE IT. You will not be in the right mental place to have this surgery until you get out of there anyhow. Take care of yourself and if you have kids, there are absolutely no excuses to stay and have them exposed to that sick behavior...they will learn it and relive it. Take it from a psychology student who also volunteers for foster agencies and other such organizations. Write anytime if you want to "talk"
   — missmollyk

April 21, 2003
One more suggestion I forgot to include -- file for a legal separation with your superior court. They have forms to do it yourself. This way, while separated, you can still keep your insurance benefits, you can use the time during separation to go to some counseling and have your surgery, and maybe it will give your husband time to think about the fact that he could lose you. Maybe it will help him come to terms with his own issues and maybe even go to counseling with you, and if not, then you can proceed with divorce if you want to do that. Good luck!
   — beeda

April 21, 2003
Lisa, Nobody can tell you what to do, they can only advise. As far as I can see, the advice that you have been given is good. Please just keep a few things in mind: 1. You are a smart woman (I can see that from your writing) 2. You are a strong woman 3. You can do anything you put your mind to, you just have to decide what it is that you want to do 4. You can only control yourself, it is you that needs to drive change and in order to change your life, you need to change you 5. Lastly, you will find many on this site who have changed their lives. Derive inspiration from their stories. Best of luck and hang-in-there. Melissa
   — meliss0725

April 21, 2003
Lisa, You need to get out of this relationship while you're so young. The longer you stay together, the worse the temper and violence will get. Don't stay and waste your life. You don't want to have surgery with this hanging over you.It will make your recovery worse. If your husband wants to waste his life on anger, let him. GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE!!It sounds like he is alienating you from anyone who may have an influence on you, especially family. Even with the surgery, the problem isn't going to go away unless you decide you're not going to live like that anymore. Some relationships can't be fixed and he doesn't sound interested.I wish you the best!!
   — Debbie W.

April 21, 2003
Honey I have been in your shoes. Find a really good pastor that does family may be just for you as it does not sound like he would go, but if you are going to make the decision to leave, be sure you have thought over all the consequences. I am an insurance agent, but I am not sure how Tricare works. You might call the benefits office in Norfolk to see if a divorced spouse can continue insurance on your own for awhile. In the private sector you could for up to 3 years....of course you would have to pay. But staying in a miserable situation like that is going to kill your spirit...mine almost did and I still battle it 4 years later. I know now I married him because I was fat and figured no one else would have me. So when he dumped me, I was devestated. You are 1/2 my age, so make your life yours now!!!!! I'm sorry about your mis-carriage, as I had 2 as well. But now is the time to make your move when there are no kids involved. Pray a lot and ask God to guide you and He will!
   — Sharon B.

April 21, 2003
I left an abusive unfaithful spouse years ago and then used his insurance to pay for many things I needed and never received in our marriage (skin care, dental care, counseling). He had great insurance and I used it as much as I could once we separated. He had to insure me until he remarried which is standard practice. There is no reason to stay with a spouse that is abusive and/or unfaithful with or without the other issues. I am now married to a wonderful man who would gladly give me the sun, the moon and the stars if he could. He loves me unconditionally and shows me that, in his actions, every single day. I can't imagine it any other way anymore. It took me years to understand that if it hurts, its not love. If you need to talk, email me.
   — susanje

April 21, 2003
Dearest Lisa . . . . Sounds like you are living a nightmare. I can't imagine how you must get through each day. But you do and that means you are strong. In reading your post it occured to me that you really aren't asking any of us for advice at all. You know what you have to do. You seem to be asking for approval or permission - you need someone to help you shed the guilt he has piled on you. Your circumstance is just one more example of what we will allow others to do to us because we feel worthless. You are not the worthless one in this relationship. I truly believe that if a relationship is not nurturing and the people involved are not supportive of each other, then it is not worth saving. Only you can judge the potential of yours to survive. I wish you the best in whatever decision you make and I truly hope you can value yourself enough to make the right one.
   — Sandy F.

April 21, 2003
He is feeling so low about himself . . . that he needs to treat you badly so he can feel better. The worst thing that could happen to him is if you have this surgery b/c you will want to leave him. Please go now . . . if he really cares he will get counseling. Take care of you . . . now! Good Luck! Michele :)
   — Michele D.

April 21, 2003
I am not going to offer any new insights to you. I will say separate get a lawyer - legal aid if they will, a cheap one if they won't. Most will accespt a payment plan. They can advise if you need a separation agreement or not. Try and use his ins now as much as possible until you get your own. The courst might award you spousal maintainence etc. Get some counseling so you can recognize the beautiful person that we see. Get a restraining order and don't be afraid to use it. You have to be tough and strong here. Maybe (and I doubt this) he will see the error of his ways. I really doubt that will happen. My prayers are with you. DO NOT WAIT. Get started now.
   — snicklefritz

April 21, 2003
I stayed in a similar situation for more than ten years. My ex was retired navy, so Tricare was our insurance. After the seperation I was insured until the divorce was final. During the seperation I had a heart attack. Beween my insurance and Tricare everything was covered. After 10 years it finally sunk in that things would never change at home. I kept thinking the abuse would stop if I could be better at everything......... It finally escalated to physical abuse, but that was nothing like the emotional torment I endured for years. Leaving was very difficult. While still living with him I found a place to live (thru a friend), which did not require a security deposit. Don't be afraid to ask for help. The people who really care about you will probably be relieved you are making a move. (I even had one girlfriend who offered to pay for the divorce.) Life can be so much better! I met a man who I later married. It's incredible to finally have the life and relationship I dreamed of. (And yes, I was fat when we met.) We've now been married for almost 5 years. I had WLS last May and now weigh 146 pounds. (Ironically, my ex died of cancer.) It takes a lot of courage to leave. Those who have not been in this situation are not fully aware of what's involved in such an unstable environment. These guys know just how far they can push. (My ex could make me feel like a queen one minute and a piece of crap the next..... Very good at what he did. And I was not very overweight at the time fyi.) Without help these people do not change.... Good luck to you. Please email me if you like. Support really helps... Don't be afraid to ask for it.)
   — Linda M.

April 21, 2003
Lisa, I too was married to an abusive military man and we had Tricare insurnace. I finally had all I could take and moved back home to CA. I transferred my Tricare to my region here and continued the process at home. I moved home in Oct, had my insurance changed in novemeber, saw my new pcm, got my referral, had my inital consult with my surgeon on Jan 22, they submitted for approval on Jan 30th , approval on Jan 31st and surgery on March 3rd. My ex still doesnt even know that I had surgery. So if you can move home do so. If you can move with friends do that. But do not let him have the rest of your life. DO not stay because you think he controls the insurance. I did not tell Tricare I had left him but that I had simply moved home for awhile. Honestly they didnt ask. Good luck
   — kaysjourney

April 21, 2003
So now that we have established that you do have a choice and do not have to stay with him to get your surgery, are you ready to move on? You have very succinctly laid out the reasons why you need to get away from this abusive individual for good. And please don't think that he will change-no amount of counseling, even if he wanted to go, will change his stripes. You have to determine what you want in life. Depressed beyond consolation, low self-esteem, a cheating spouse, a home that is not a home, no friends or family allowed, threats of bodily harm, or the opposite? I know sometimes those with low self-esteem try to justify the abuse and hope things will get better, but like the previous poster who spent ten years hoping for the same thing said, it does not happen and why waste any more of your youth on a lost cause? We all agree you deserve better. Frankly, even a dog deserves better treatment-sorry. Use your friends and family to lean on, do not be afraid of the world out there-have courage! There is a better life out there for you and WLS is just a part of it. Good luck. As you can see many of us care and wish you the best.
   — Cindy R.

April 21, 2003
Thank you all for the advise. It just reaffirmed what, in my heart, I already knew. I suppose I just needed to hear it from others for it to really dawn on me. For the longest time, I thought his behavior was because I gained weight. But now that I have read your answers and done some soul searching, the weight was just an excuse for him to hold me down and make me feel like less than he is. He seems to get some sort of kick out of making me cry and hurting me so much. That should be a warning sign, right there. I need to get all my little ducks in a row before I figure out where to go next. Hopefully, this won't be as hard as I fear it will be, but usually when I get this feeling, it usually is just as hard as I think it will be. Thank you all for the support that I needed very much. I feel much better now.
   — Lisa S.

April 21, 2003
Hi Lisa, my name is Lisa too. Leave him now, befor he does hit you and he will. Don't worry about the insurance, as long as you are married he MUST keep the insurance on you. Your are still his wife and even if you divorced the judge could still order him ot maintain the insurance on you as part of the final divorce. Btu for now I would leave and not even mention the insurance to him or the surgery, he is to concerned about himself to even think of insurance. Get away and have the surgery. Repeat he can not cancel your insurance as longa as you are married. If you leave he still cant take you off. If he tries its illegal. I know, I have worked for an employee benefits firm for a long time for major employers. Stop letting him control your life. Its time for you to stand up and gain control of your self esteem. You can do it. I know you can. I am here if you wna to talk. Lisa
   — Lisa G.

April 21, 2003
Hi Lisa, my name is Lisa too. Leave him now, befor he does hit you and he will. Don't worry about the insurance, as long as you are married he MUST keep the insurance on you. Your are still his wife and even if you divorced the judge could still order him ot maintain the insurance on you as part of the final divorce. Btu for now I would leave and not even mention the insurance to him or the surgery, he is to concerned about himself to even think of insurance. Get away and have the surgery. Repeat he can not cancel your insurance as longa as you are married. If you leave he still cant take you off. If he tries its illegal. I know, I have worked for an employee benefits firm for a long time for major employers. Stop letting him control your life. Its time for you to stand up and gain control of your self esteem. You can do it. I know you can. I am here if you wna to talk. Lisa
   — Lisa G.

April 21, 2003
Lisa, my take on this situation is that no surgeon is likely to perform surgery on you because of your husband. You have no support system as long as he is in your life. You can't take care of yourself now, how would you ever do so when recovering from surgery. If you've read this board its been a topic of conversation about the surgeon requiring the husband's support, even having to have him meet the doctor in many cases before surgery - obviously you wouldn't get his support in any situation under even the best circumstances. I've read your profile. You have a very high BMI and seem very much "disabled" by most people's idea. Have you considered applying for disability? If you can get on social security Medicare pays for this surgery. Also your state medical is likely to cover it if medically necessary. If you leave your husband and have no resources there are state programs to help you. If your family and friends won't invite you into their homes find a womens shelter. You are an abused woman whether or not he hits you or not, look at what you wrote. You are like a prisoner kept in line with threats and fear. You already know you have to change things in your life, but I hope I've given you some ideas that will help along that way.
   — Shelly S.

April 21, 2003
Lisa please get help and let us know how its going.
   — bob-haller

April 22, 2003
Dear Lisa Take Care and Good Luck. Make a plan of action and leave. It not the WLS that the issue. The potential of physical abuse increasing. Remember, there are people out there. Libraries have computers too.
   — Aynikaye

April 22, 2003
Sounds to me like you need to lose a couple hundred pounds - OF HUSBAND!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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