I'm 10 months post-op and experiencing some abdominal pain

I've read through the library section and also put in a call to my surgeon's nurse. The pain came about yesterday, rather suddenly. Bloating in the belly, lower back pain, feeling like I had a "catch" in my lower left abdomen, under my ribcage. I did pass more gas than usual through the night, alleviated the bloating but that pain in the left side was there and still is today. Prior to this for maybe a week or so I've been having pain between the shoulder blades. The only thing new or different I had yesterday before the onset of the bloating was 2 sugar free chocolates with toasted coconut. At first I figured that must be it. The coconut must have given me some painful gas. But to still have this catch feeling, stabbing in my left side, I don't think that was it. Any feedback from those experienced with gallbladder or kidney stone issues? I'm not nauseaus or vomiting. Seems to feel better for awhile after I do eat. Thanks for your help and support - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -126lbs.    — Anna L. (posted on May 5, 2003)

May 5, 2003
Sounds like your gallbladder to me.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 6, 2003
Thanks for your reply Ruth. I am still having that "catch" feeling. Haven't heard back yet from the surgeon's office. :(
   — Anna L.

May 7, 2003
Surgeon's nurse called me this morning. I'm going in to see him in the morning. She seems to think it could be the coconut, like maybe a blockage from that. The past 3 days I have been ok upon waking, with a soreness and pulling on the left side still. But by the end of the day I'm bloated and tender in the whole belly and the left side is just really pulling. ANYONE HAVE PROBLEMS FROM COCONUT? She said it may well be the gallbladder though and doc may order tests for that.
   — Anna L.

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