Where can I find Sub-Lingual B-12

Where can I find Sub-Lingual B-12 dots. You know the ones that you dissolve under your tongue. I am now taking the pills which I kinda chew down in my mouth before I swallow them with water. I tried Walgreens , and Target but they didn't have them. Do I need to go to a health food store. Thanks for the help.    — Maureen C. (posted on June 1, 2003)

June 1, 2003
You can find these and any health food store such as GNC. They the best way you can take B-12 and they are very inexpensive. My doctor tolk me to take one every seven days so a bottle will last well over a year.
   — Gene F.

June 1, 2003
Have you a Trader Joe's around where you live? That's where I get mine. Even chewing your B12s will not help...they are not getting absorbed (GB patients have reduced intrinsic factor, which is needed for B12 absorption). We have to take B12 sublingually or via a shot. I read there's also a B12 nasal gel spray now that would be suitable for us. If you don't have a Trader Joe's nearby, try doing an online search with Google to find the sublinguals. Trader Joe's doesn't sell their stuff online yet, but I think they're going to soon. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 1, 2003
I got mine through
   — Marie R.

June 1, 2003
Whole Foods Market
   — Ann B.

June 1, 2003
I got some at the grocery store today, they are in with the other vitamis. The bottle is small so it sometimes is in a piece of cardboard to help it stand out in the crowd of larger bottles.
   — doodlebug

June 1, 2003
I buy Sub-Lingual B-12 at Wal-Mart. I had to ask to find it. It is in a box with the other vitamins and easy to look over.
   — Lisa C.

June 1, 2003
Trader Joes has them and so does the Vitamin Shop.
   — rebalspirit

June 1, 2003
I got mine from It's a great place to get anything and everything you need as a Gastric Bypass patient.
   — Renee B.

June 2, 2003
   — Dawn P.

June 2, 2003
I have gotten them from GNC. and
   — Sharon H.

June 2, 2003
I used sublingual B12 for a while. I had to go to the monthly shots....they are much cheaper and my insurance pays for all but $3.47 every six months. You can get the sub B12 at any health store such as GNC but I think vitalady may be cheaper.
   — Oldsoul

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