Anyone qualified for revision with BMI of 33 and no stapleline disruption?

I had a VBG 6/99 and lost a total of 140#, it is now 4 years and in the past 1 1/2 yrs I have gained over 40# back, My surgeon has agreed to do a revision but I am petrified my insurance will deny me. I am unable to exercise as much, broke my leg 3 times and have chronic knee and ankle pain, very depressed about the weight gain. Any suggestions or help????    — R C (posted on June 2, 2003)

June 3, 2003
If you don't have a SLD, and there are no other 'mechanical' issues with your VBG, have you tried going back to basics? Have you been eating more or eating 'forbidden' foods to gain some weight back? Just curious......
   — salymsmommy

June 23, 2003
I had a VBG 8 years ago (you will have to read my profile) and now I am having a revision and my BMI is 33. There is nothing wrong with my staple line. The doctor is telling me everytime I eat something hard like meats and vegetables the food hits the ring and the ring bends and the food does not go down. I am scheduled to have surgery on 7/7/03. They are going to do a revision from an open VBG to an open RYN. YOu can email me if you have any additional questions. Good luck and take care. Tami
   — Tami R.

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