Approved for Lap Band, want Lap Gastric Bypass

I just found out that I was approved for the Lap Band but I would like to change it to the Lap (mini)Gastric Bypass. What should I do    — Tammy W. (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 5, 2003
If your dr. performs both kinds of surgeries, you need to have him/his office submit a new claim since they have different codes. If he/she only does the Lab-Band, you'll have to set up a consultation with a new dr., fill out the paperwork, etc., and then submit to insurance.
   — Ali M

August 5, 2003
The lap gastric bypass and the mini gastric bypass are different operations. The mini gastric bypass is a old and dangerous operation, whereas the lap RNY gastric bypass is not...JR
   — John Rushton

August 6, 2003
The mini has bad SIDE AFFECTS and makes GERD much worse. Its not recommended by the bariatric surgeon group for good reasons.
   — Sam J.

August 6, 2003
Some insurances won't cover the mini gastric bypass as many bariatric surgeons consider it too dangerous. I know Aetna won't cover it, and have a blurb about it in their insurance info, although I had no trouble getting them to cover the RNY gastric bypass.
   — mom2jtx3

August 6, 2003
Most reputable surgeons will not do a mini bypass anymore. It is a waste of your time, money and effort in my opinion and most of the medical industries. So either go for the AGB which is approved or have a real RNY. If you just have 100 lbs to lose you will likely do fine with the AGB. I know SMO people who have done well with it. It all comes down to your mindset and willingness to make the surgery work.
   — zoedogcbr

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