Help! My mom is in the hospital post-op and suffering!

My mom had surgery Wednesday and is still in the hospital. She is suffering from a high fever, unmanageable pain, and total exhaustion. Her spirits are very very low. She won't do her breathing exercises and is talking about dying. My surgery was in August and I had no complications, very little pain and found my hospital stay to be restful and easy. Is it normal for my mom to be suffering so badly. Her surgery was open. Mine Lap. She was also having a revision. She was under for several hours. I was only under for 60 minutes. Is what she is going through normal for what she's had done to her? Help! I'm really worried!    — jenpatalano (posted on December 12, 2003)

December 11, 2003
I'm sure the fact that it was open surgery is the reason your mom is feeling so awful. Can't she talk to her doctor or nurses about some better pain management? Years ago I had my gall bladder removed. It was supposed to be done Lap, but the doc had to convert to Open Surgery. Believe me when I say that if I'd had a gun I think I would have blown my brains out. It hurt like the dickens. Yes, I'm a wimp, but it was absolutely awful. Having my WLS done lap was like a trip to the dentist for a cleaning compared to open surgery. And being tired is normal. Be there for her, encourage her. It will get better. And if you need to, YOU talk to the doctor. If one pain med isn't working, they can use something else. Hugs!
   — lorien

December 11, 2003
I dont necessarily think that it being done open is the cause for her discomfort. Mine was open and it was a piece of cake. I know that revisions are usually harder on people. Its hard to compare your mom to yuor own surgery because things are different. My mom had surgery 2 days before me....obviously we have a huge age difference, my recovery was definatly different than hers. She stayed an extra day in the hospital....and it took her alot longer to feel better. Your mom will feel better everyday. Good luck with everything...take care Mandy
   — Mandybub

December 11, 2003
The high fever is what would concern me. That would mean she has an infection of some sort. Have the doctors told you what might be causing the fever?
   — Checker B.

December 11, 2003
She needs to do her breathing exercises. I started to spike a fever, and they put me on a cpap. If she doesn't do her breathing exercises, she could develop pneumonia. So now she'll be uncomfortable, in pain, with a chest infection. Please encourage her to do her breathing exercises... and I'll keep her in my prayers. God Bless.
   — Michelle J.

December 11, 2003
You need to INSIST that she use the incentive spirometer and cough and deep breath, and get moving! The nurses probably don't have the time to make sure she DOES this at least every hour. Although pain control is an issue, sometimes there is a fine line between giving someone enough pain medication to control the pain, and making them so comfortable they don't want to move. She has got to work through this. Most likely her fever is coming from her body trying to fight off infection and the lungs are a prime spot for infection (pneumonia) to start. If she doesn't do these things, she may very well end up dying - please, please get your mom to help herself. I worked with open heart patients for many years (as a nurse) and we really, really worked with them to cough and deep breathe and get moving, and believe me, with their chests spilt open and incision in both legs (sometimes) they did NOT want to move at all! Please let us know how things are going. This really worries me. I hope she does better soon.
   — koogy

December 12, 2003
I appreciate all of your responses, alas, I'm not anywhere near the hospital. I'm hearing all of this from people over the phone. I won't be able to get down to San Diego, which is a couple hours from here, for a couple days, part of the reason I'm so worried. I've put my dad to the task of keeping her positive and getting her motivated. We've been doing that since she was rolled out of the recovery room. What I want to know is whether or not other people have had a similar experience in the hospital. The nurses ARE waking her up EVERY half hour to make her use her incentive spirometer and cough. I'm just curious if anyone else had so much pain. Thanks again for all your posts.
   — jenpatalano

December 12, 2003
I have the open surgery 4 weeks ago. I thought the pain was awful and the morphine made me feel sick and sleepy -- I hated everything about it. I had a hard time trying to make myself cough and my fever inched up to around 100. I found that clearing my throat kind of forcefully helped to break up the stuff in my lungs and minimized the amount of coughing I had to do. Just reassure your Mom that it will get better...everyday.
   — Kay V.

December 12, 2003
I also had an open RNY, I had no problems but I FORCED myself to walk and cough and breathe. Tell her it WILL get better, if she is in that much pain they should give her something stronger, I was also given alot of different drugs to prevent many different things including infection. I wish you and your mom the best and I am praying for her speedy recovery!
   — Saxbyd

December 12, 2003
Thanks so much everyone! I just got off the phone with my dad and my mom is doing much, much better today. Her fluids are now where they're supposed to be. Her fever is gone. She's feeling much better. I'm going to go stay with her tonight, try to keep her positive. Thanks to everyone for responding. Congratulations to all of you on your success and keep up the hard work. Once you get past the hard part, it's pretty exciting! I'm down 77.5 pounds since August 25.
   — jenpatalano

December 12, 2003
From your description she may have a leak or an intenstine maybe be obstructed. You need to press her doctor to do more to relieve her sympthoms.
   — jcooper

December 13, 2003
Is your mother normally on estrogen replacement? I was spiking a temp (100.3) and increasing on Tuesday (surgery was Monday) and it turns out my culprit was no premarin. Once I got my nasty crushed pill and ice the temp came down. I had open and it was a breeze. My biggest pain has been in my neck from the breathing exercises. So, I can't help with the pain question. I do know that I was not using my pain meds enough on Tuesday and absolutely could not imagine coming home on Thursday. I finally used the meds at 3 a.m. on Wednesday and felt ever so much better and mood change followed. Your mother is in my prayers. Sandra
   — Arizona_Sun

December 17, 2003
Thanks everyone! Mom is out of the hospital now and doing much better. She's doing absolutely everything right--breathing, coughing, walking, drinking water. Her spirits are up and her fever's down. She's doing a great job. I spent the weekend with her and visited her yesterday. I helped her shop and get her first meal (a tiny bit of cottage cheese). Hooray for Mom! And thanks again!
   — jenpatalano

December 17, 2003
I am glad to hear she is doing so much better!
   — Saxbyd

December 18, 2003
I'm relieved to hear your mom is doing well. Take care!
   — koogy

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