Anyone else having trouble with exercise due to back/joint/muscle pain?

Ala Forest Gump, I started "runnin'" a few months ago and found, shockingly, that I was not only capable of doing so, but that I almost enjoyed it. A month ago I was up to 3.5 miles a day, 5 days a week. Me! I was feeling like an olympian. But, alas, my uncooperative spine and angry joints finally put a violent halt to my Chariots of Fire dreams. My herniated disk spoke up, as did my cervical spine and shoulder, my arthritic hip, my sciatica, my flat as a swedish pancake feet...yikes. I'm a mess! My orthopedic surgeon took one look at me, nixed the running and told me I need a breast reduction. To which my only honest reply could be, "duh." Me and my DDD's were pleased however to hear it officially from the man who will someday write the letter to my insurance company. He did some tests, prescribed one month off, 8 weeks of physical therapy, pain killers, muscle relaxers, and swimming. Swimming? I was a swimmer in high school. I would love to swim. But, alas, I am too poor (on my nonprofit salary) for a gym membership and there's no olympic swimming pool in my near unglamorous future. I don't have a bicycle, which he also recommended. Maybe I'll get one for my birthday, but that's over a month off. I'm now feeling confused, discouraged and increasingly wimpy. Any ideas about how--on a budget--to get back on track with exercise would be much appreciated. I can't let these new found schwarznegeresque muscles wither away. Help, everyone! XOXO Jen    — jenpatalano (posted on September 9, 2004)

September 9, 2004
Jen, Another thing you might want to consider is your shoes. I started running a few months ago and my legs and feet hurt so it's time for some new shoes. I know they are spendy, but a good shoe for your gait and weight are a great and necessary investment if you want to continue with running (when cleared). I also take Vioxx about 3 times a week for my knee pain, but it's so much better than it was 83# ago. I don't know if this helped at all, but that's been my experience. You can also look for ads in the newspaper to find bikes for sale, but if you can do nothing else, walk.
   — Linn D.

September 9, 2004
Jennifer, I just joined the ymca last week. They have specials where they waive the joining fee and they have financial assisstance for those who have income limits. It is great, signed up for a 12 week program and the hubby starts this weekend on his program, we love it, it's a whole family thing and after workouts we as a family go to the indoor arthritis pool for a swim. Check them out at Patricia 9-30-03 RNY 314/161/160
   — pateblkbrn

September 10, 2004
Dear Jen, I hear you. I am 1 month post-op, and I am dying to exercise. I have fibromyalgia and arthritis in my knees and an old back injury, and even though my pain has decreased dramatically due to the weight loss, (already) it is still hard for me to exercise. Two things: there are exercises that you can do in a chair-you can order the videos, they are called SIT AND BE FIT. Also, try Pilates. You can also buy the video or DVD to that. Get yourself a comfortable, cushy floor mat, and go!!! I know you are used to more strenuous exercises, but if you have to tone it down a bit to avoid injury, some is better than none! Hope this helps.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 11, 2004
Jennifer...congrats on the weight loss and the exercise you've been able to accomplish thus far. I know where you're coming from. I suffered a fractured hip and a herniated disc in a bad fall at work in July 1999. I walked on the hip fracture for 6 months before they finally did an MRI and found the hip fracture and the herniated disc. I was only 43 and the doctor decided since I'd walked on it for 6 months, he'd put me on complete bed rest and maybe it'd heal on it's own. After 4 months, it split apart and I had to have it pinned. I finally returned to work and after about 7 months, began having terrible pain again. The pin had been in for 14 months and he thought it may be infected so he took out the hardware. No infection, but there was a broken screw which had to be drilled out. After two more months, the pain was so much worse and another MRI revealed a non-healing fracture in a different portion of my hip which could only be fixed by a total hip replacement which he wouldn't do. So, here it is 3 1/2 years later and I still have the pain and the fracture (non-healing). But I began to work out as much as I could at Contours. I don't know where you are, but you may have one where you live. Also, there is a good place called Curves. I use only the machines I can do that don't hurt my hip or my back. I do it at my own pace and out of 10 machines there, I can use 6 (they work on my upper body). I also ride the bike twice to make up for the 4 machines I can't do. I do 1.1 miles on the bike, then my machines, then the bike and then my stretches. In between each machine is either a small "bouncing" platform where I walk fast or a single step that I step up and step down on. This has really helped me with the weight loss and inches lost. The cost is only $29/month taken directly from my bank account. If you can afford that much, it will take 29 minutes to go thru the routine. You can go 6 days a week if you choose. It's the best thing, besides the surgery, I have EVER done for myself. Good luck and God bless. Hope this helps even a little.
   — Katherine F.

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