Have pain on right side from right next to my incision

Hi, I have had this pain for the last 5 months. I have seen my surgeon who didn't really think it was much and my personal doc twice. The second time last week she did send me for a complete abdomen ultra-sound which only showed that I have a fatty liver. I still have the pain, the nurse said if I still have symptoms I should make another appointment for a follow-up. THIS WAS MY FOLLOW-up. I don't know what next to do. I can't afford to be running back and forth every week to the doctors. What I wanted to know was if any one else had this kind of Pain. It is bad enough that it really hurts at night when I try to change position in bed and sometimes when I try to get out of chair. Could it be just from all the sewing together of all the layers of skin, etc. from the surgery. It didn't really start to bother me until I was almost l8 months out. I have lost 89 lbs and otherwise feel pretty good but this pain is making me think I am crazy and nobody has really put a finger on what it could be. Any input would be really helpful at this point before I start making more doc appointments. Thanks    — Maureen C. (posted on February 2, 2005)

February 2, 2005
i am 9mo out, and have been in the hospital 7 times for rt lower is something to be concerned about. i now have ulcers the size of baseballs, very painful....
   — sandra W.

February 2, 2005
Having the same pain.Is yours all the time or just at certain times of the day? Mine are worse at night.
   — Kathy S.

February 3, 2005
Funny that you bring this up -- because that is exactly my problem too and i am almost 2 years out. Mine gets really bad at night -- nothing alleviates it and then it just goes away. They originally thought it was IBS but i am thinking its something more -- i still have the ol' gall bladder - because when my IBS flaws up, i can take meds and its fine -- when this other pain hits - its horrible and i cry and nothing helps and i walk doubled over in pain.....let me know if others give any good advice! [email protected]. lap 4/22/03 -135 lbs.
   — Kerry R.

February 3, 2005
When you say pain are you talking about ..on the right side just under your ribs, some time radiating to the back? I have had this pain for about two months now, my surgery was June 7, 2002. It is very weird. Dull pain all the time but sometimes very bad, always worst at night. I have no gallbladder and been tested up the wazoo. My doctor thinks its could just be scare tissue, but he doesn't know.
   — Cindy P.

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