is the danger for blood clots the same after abdominoplasty as biatric surgery

I am scheduled Monday for a hernia/abdominoplasty. After my bariatric surgery I went home with injections to prevent blood clots. Should I be concerned with this surgery or is the risk not as great.    — Maureen C. (posted on July 14, 2005)

July 14, 2005
With any surgery there is a risk for blood clots. Bariatric surgery is riskier because we weigh more and have a harder time getting around. With My hernia/tt last month they put the "boots" on my feet but no Ted hose or heparin shots. They made me get up within 4 hours of surgery and I just kept moving.
   — Pupcake !.

July 14, 2005
Maureen, I have some training in the medical field and also have had several surgeries along with the Open Bypass. Blood clots are a concern with ANY surgery. Just try and move as soon as possable after you have had your surgery. Motivation is the key. Walk Walk Walk. Your surgeon will probably tell you the same.
   — Jo_Michalko

July 15, 2005
Hi Maureen, anyone who is immobile for any length of time is at risk for blood clots. The important thing to do is to get up as soon as possible. Also you can move your legs while in bed to increase your circulation and that will help prevent blood clots. Hope this helps. Mona
   — monymony

July 17, 2005
The length of surgery is important, and so are your risk factors (prior clots, on birth control pills or hormones, smoking, and presence of cancer.) Your doctor will classify your risk factor and do things to lessen the risk, like compression boots, heparin or Lovenox shots, and early walking or certain excercises. Your upcoming surgery may be long, and you will likely have limited activities because of the hernia.
   — DrL

July 27, 2005
Hi I got blood clots after my stomach staple and than again this year after my stamch tightening. I am now on comundian the rest of my life. I still am having my thighs done when I can afford it. It will not stop me just be aware of your body thats how we caught the last case. It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. Even though my oxyen levels were fine at first upon being taken to emergency room
   — [Deactivated Member]

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