What should you do if you've been let go as a result of time taken off for WLS

   — April M. (posted on October 4, 2005)

October 4, 2005
Consult an attorney. They can advise you as to the laws in your state. Some states allow companies to limit the amount of sick leave you have available.
   — Patricia C.

October 4, 2005
Also contact the EEOC, there may be something under the ADA which would prohibit firings over obesity.
   — Cindy P.

October 5, 2005
Were you on a medical leave of absence? How long were you off work? also what state do you reside in? My advice to you is #1 consult with a attorney that handles wrongful emplyment terminations. also check with the ADA about discrimination. I do know here in washington state, if you are on a medical leave of absence you can take up to 6 months off (as long as your doctor says its medically needed.) another fine point, you need to give your employer as much notice about the surgery as possible. (dont tell him/her 2 days before your surgery... could put you on bad terms there. Best wishes Daniel 12/1998 rny bypass promixal
   — dhuberty

October 5, 2005
Get a lawyer and find out what your rights are. Take the opportunity to look for a better job.
   — Novashannon

October 6, 2005
The Family medical Leave Act allows for up to 12 weeks in a twelve month period. If you followed the company guidelines in requesting leave and you supplied the neccesary certifications and you did not exceed 12 weeks, you have a really good case. Contact the DOL and of course apply for unemployement right away.
   — veronica25

October 6, 2005
You must have been employed with the company for a year before you are protected by FMLA.
   — RebeccaP

October 7, 2005
Your company must also employ a certain number of people to fall under the FMLA standards. I would also suggest contacting your state employment commission as well as the state unemployment office. Those two agencies will assist you if you have been wrongfully terminated. Good luck!
   — Shayna T.

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