i am 57 and wonder if anyone my age has had the surgery and how they are doing?

It seems everyone i read about is in their 20's 30's or 40a's. I am concerned because I may not recover as well from the surgery because I am in my 50's.    — Sara H. (posted on July 10, 1999)

July 10, 1999
I was 55.5 when I had the surgery in March. I'm doing really well. If you want to e-mail me you may do that.
   — Judy B.

July 10, 1999
I am 50 and will have the surgery in two weeks. There are many people in my support group who have had the surgery and are over 50. Recovery doesn't seem to be much different for them, at least not that they've mentioned.
   — Peggy51

July 10, 1999
I'll let you know! I'll turn 50 a week after my surgery. I'm having an RNY in September. To get ready I am walking (in water most of the time due to arthritis), doing crunches to strengthen abs and lifting small weights for my arms. I am hoping to be one of those very few who doesn't need post-op surgery for sagging skin... we'll see. I have about 120 pounds to lose. I'm 5'6", 250 lb. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 10, 1999
When I was having my RNY a lady had one right after me the same day that was 62 years young,as far as I know she is doing fine.
   — JAN C.

July 10, 1999
I'm a little fresh post op to know the whole scoop yet and I've had some complications but I don't think my age was responsible and I'm 54. I had an open RNY 3 1/2 weeks ago, I've lost 30 pounds and I'm doing ok.
   — [Anonymous]

July 10, 1999
I am 50. I had my RNY done in 1995 and believe that it added years to my life. I have lost 150 lbs and feel great! Good luck to you in your quest!
   — Peggy W.

July 10, 1999
We have several in our support group over 60 who've had RNY types of surgery. Let me know & I can give your email to 2 of 'em, anyway. I can't count the number between 50 & 60!
   — vitalady

July 11, 1999
Hi: I just had WLS surgery on 6/28; and doing fine. I'm up and around--no complications. I've always been in rather good health... non smoker, etc.
   — Alyce K.

July 11, 1999
Hiya. I'm 55 and I had an open RNY last December (when I was 54 and 400 pounds) . I have heard that there some surgeons who have an upper age limit but it makes no sense really. What's really important are the indications of how you can survive and benefit from the surgery. If your general health, aside from any co-morbid conditions you have, is fair to good, there's no reason you cannot have the surgery at 57. I've taken off 127 pounds since Christmas and also feel like I've taken off 20 years :-)) If the first surgeon you interview has any restrictions, find another one.. and make sure he/she has a good support, follow up program (not just a cut a run guy). The first few months after surgery are important because it's a whole new way of living. It's not particularly difficult, but it is NEW and some of it is confusing. Good luck to you. Let me know how you're doing Susan [email protected]
   — Susan C.

August 8, 1999
I'm mid 50's, just had the open RNY in June and I'm doing very well despite complications which I doubt were age related (blood clots 10 days post op which led to pulmonary embolisms and an additional week in the hospital). I've lost almost 50 lbs. and my eating is stabilizing pretty well except for some mild nausea at times. It's such a relief to feel comfortable after a small amount of food and to feel no compulsion for sweets anymore. If this continues I have no doubt I will regain a healthy weight and keep it.
   — Carol M.

October 22, 1999
I am 47 I know it's not your age but I have talked to a lady who was 67 and she had the Lap band surgery and has lost all her weight and is very happy. [email protected]
   — Patty R.

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