Wish me luck this is the day!!!!!!

for all of you who done know me I'm having my surgery today,, so wish me luck and I will be back on line in about 7 days... GOD WILLING... good luck to all of you who are waiting and congrats to those of you who have already had the surgery........................Love Purple    — Sherry T. (posted on July 30, 1999)

July 29, 1999
YOU GO GIRL- This day belongs to you. As you enter the operating room allow Gods' Peace to overtake you. He is all around you for a successful surgery and a guick in complete recovery. We are here for you. Sheila - RNY- March 26, 99 (77 pounds down)
   — Sheila W.

July 29, 1999
Good Luck!! This is the start of a new you....Congratulations!
   — Penny W.

July 30, 1999
Best of luck to you.. God Speed.. My prayers are with you.
   — Peggy W.

July 30, 1999
You know we do! Good Luck We look forward to hearing your story. Diane
   — Diane N.

July 30, 1999
Hi! I don't know you but I want to wish you Godspeed, and God Bless YOU! Don't worry, You'll do great!
   — Frank W.

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