What paperwork do I need for the doctor

I have medical records for last 3 years. I have letter from doctor saying surgery is medically necessary. Is there anything else I need to do. Any other paperwork. I want to be prepared. Thanks to all for help. --Millie    — Millie B. (posted on May 26, 2000)

May 26, 2000
I started in February of 2000 to try and get my surgery approved. I first went to Dr. Marema meeting on Monday in his office. I started out by writing out my diet history and my family history with obesity. Then I contacted my past doctors that I had seen who recommended that I seek some sort of diet program whether they put me one one or not. Just as long as they stated in my file. Then I went to my PCP and talked to her about the surgery to see if she would help me or recommend me for the surgery. I hit a small road block there she wanted me to lose weight through diet. But I pushed forward with the other things I needed to do. I also attended the support group meetings that Dr. M holds every month (they helped alot). I did the test they needed and I also did the physc. eval. It took 3 months and some other test. I have my surgery on July 5th. I wish you luck with your surgery and if you have any questions please email. I don't know for sure what worked for me will work for you but it never hurts to hear how other people got to there surgery date.
   — Catherine P.

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