5 weeks till surgery, what should I do to prepare?

Tell me everything you can think of re how to prepare self and home for post surgery realities. FYI I live alone, have no children.    — Mary H. (posted on March 15, 2001)

March 15, 2001
Ditto to all Barb said. I especially liked her idea of using something to help you get up. I wish I would have had a cane or something for the first 1-2 weeks (for just getting up from the chair!). I live by myself too, and the worst was not being able to sleep in my hard bed for the first month. I had to sleep on the couch huddled over in the corner of the couch for the first week. Do you have a reclining chair? If not, buy lots of pillows now!! I bought extra pillows and at two months, I'm still using a pillow under my stomach. Other suggestions: stock up on pet food, kitty litter, laundry detergent, or other big, heavy, items. You won't be able to lift anything for 6-8 weeks. Also, grocery shopping weared me out after the surgery, so stock up on food (even though you won't be eating for a couple of weeks). I bought: sugar-free popsickles, crystal-lite, sugar-free hot chocolate, reduced fat crackers, cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, chewable vitamins, baby-wipes and a tong for butt-wipping (you won't be able to bend over or reach back too far), tylenol (no more aspirin). There are lots more great hits in the library under "hospital."
   — Kristy J.

March 16, 2001
Hi, Although I have not went through WLS surgery yet-- I have had other surgeries. First make sure you have some ice packs(the refreezable kind) and some heating pads. I also agree with the others PIllOWS PILLOWS PILLOWS!! They do make a world of difference. Also if you are like me you might consider having a small ice chest you can put some water or juice beside(also a great use of the freezy packs)you for the times you are to uncomfortable to move. I wish you good luck on your journey to the other side.
   — Karon C.

March 16, 2001
Hi Mary, my surgeon suggested I eat light/low fat type of things for about a month prior to surgery. I was like uhm hey I don't think so, this is my last hurrah so I pigged out on pizza, ice cream, etc. Now I realize the reason he asked this of me: they open you up and your liver can become enlarged and "get in the way of the surgery" . So that's one thing you may wish to consider, eating "right". I would bring a small pillow (8x8 or so) to clutch to your abdomen; when they ask you to cough it certainly makes it easy. A grabber stick, the kind that picks stuff up off the floor was sure helpful for me. Large barbeque tongs and baby wipes were a godsend for toiletry needs, "I can do it myself thankyouverymuch" was great to tell the nurses :-) Don't bring any nightgowns, they need to have you in the snap ones they issue (for the iv's and such) just a robe and slippers is all you need. The other suggestions here are right on the mark! Best wishes to you Mary :-)
   — Gail R.

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