Why am I craving things like smoke?

I am 12 weeks post op and lately I crave the smell of smoke from a cigarette or a fire. I've never been a smoker but lately I've been wanting to take it up just for the odor. What is the deal?    — Devonne O. (posted on July 23, 2001)

July 23, 2001
Sounds to me like you are getting ready to replace one habit for another. We all get into the "hand to mouth" motion habit and you get so used ot it it's hard to stop. Just need to be doing somthing with your hands and mouth. How about ice chips. or chew some gum but don't swallow it. If you take up smoking with your new tummy, you may end up with acid reflux. Personally I think our bodys go through a mourning over the death of our outragous eating habits. Thats just my opinion. Kim
   — K T.

July 23, 2001
I think some people have the same craving (weird, but true). However, if you've never smoked, once you take that first puff you'll wish you hadn't. It will taste nasty and you won't ever crave it again!
   — [Anonymous]

July 23, 2001
Ae yoyu getting tip-to nutrition, A craving to EAT weird non-food things like dirt and baking soda, etc., is called "pica" and can be a sign of malnutrition or pregnancy-related deficiencies. But I am fine, and crave dill pickles, and to drink the juice in high quantities sometimes post-op. Have you had your 3 month labs done? If so, just give in and have incense or a fireplace....Maybe a hot dog roast? ---Jesse
   — Jesse M.

July 24, 2001
I too would recommend you get your labs done. This would normally be considered a nutritional dificiency of some sort. Get it checked out.. its important if you want to stay or be healhty
   — [Anonymous]

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