Do you think my insurance will approve me for surgery?

I had my first consultation on Sep. 7 with the surgeon. I completed the surgeon's packet, and thanks to this website, I also included a letter of necessity from my podiatrist, a letter documenting my Phen/Fen and Meridia "diets, an echocardiogram report documenting my heart murmur, a history of family health and previous other diet programs, as well as a letter requesting approval for this surgery. I also met with a nutrionist, but still working on scheduling an appointment with the psychologist. I am now getting anxious, as I haven't heard back from Aetna yet. Based on your experiences in getting approvals, do you think my chances are good?    — Jean B. (posted on September 13, 2001)

September 13, 2001
I have medicaid for insurance, but they approved me with no problems. My BMI is 38.5, but I have rheumatoid arthritis and need knee surgery. So they used those also. My approval took five weeks before I heard I was approved, medicaid sent me and the surgeon a letter. It looks like your stuff was sent in Sept. 10? If it was I wouldn't worry, it takes most of them awhile. I think you have a good chance that you would be approved.
   — alicialeew

September 23, 2001
sounds like you have an excellent chance of getting approved. keep us posted!
   — Heather W.

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