Anyone else have problem with psychologist taking too long?

My consult is done, all my paperwork is sitting at the surgeon's office waiting for my psych. eval. I finally got my eval. completed last Friday (after 2 sessions). Today I called the psych. and asked him when he would be able to send the report to my surgeon. He said he was extremely busy and that, maybe, he could do it in a week or two. I already have a surgery date (Dec. 17), have made all the arrangements for my son's care and time off from work, but I'm afraid my surgery date will have to be changed because of his delay in getting the report to my surgeon! Aetna told me they don't require the evaluation, but my surgeon's office wanted it done before they submit my packet for approval to Aetna. Anyone else have this problem? Thanks!    — Jean B. (posted on November 6, 2001)

November 6, 2001
If your insurance does not require it, you should get the surgeons office to go ahead and submit the info for predetermination. It can always be sent in later, if needed. Also, if this is a plan doctor, you could contact provider relations regarding his slowness and lack of concern. And finally, you probably should have waited until you had the approval before you scheduled the surgery and made plans. Aetna may take some time to make a detemination.
   — [Anonymous]

November 6, 2001
Hi, I would call the shrink and tell him straight up that you're having surgery in "early December" and need to get that report over to the surgeon ASAP. When I did my initial "at home" sleep study, they told me they were backed up and wouldn't have the study read for like 2 months. I said, nicely but sternly, that that was not acceptable as my file was going up to the committe for evaluation for WLS, and I absolutely had to have that report in my file. They very kindly put my study at the top of the pile for reading and I got my results in less than a week. It pays to speak up and ask for what you need...always be nice about it. You do get more bees with honey! Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 7, 2001
I bet he's not to busy to bill your insurance for his services though. I hate shrinks. "Most" but not all of them I've met are money hungry grubs. I got approval from my shrink for surgery. But that was'nt good enough for my insurance they wanted me to see someone else. It took me a couple months to get an appointment then after I saw him, he dragged his butt for another two months besides. I finally had to call his secretary every few days. I told her that I've been trying to get approval for over six months as it was and he already took over two months just with him taking his time. I tried to be pleasant but firm. She evidently pushed him along. But the horse's a## got even with me... he wanted me to see a dietitian. Geese! I already saw one 18 months before and it did'nt help!. But he wasted months of my time and then I had to waste a couple more months waiting for an appointment with the dietitian ect ect ect. It's a no win situation. If you try to hurry them they'll screw you anyway. But all you can do is to keep calling and "try not to lose your cool". All in all Blue Choice Option put me through nine months of hell trying (and finally) getting approval.
   — Danmark

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