Anyone have trouble signing up for disability insurance?

I was just recently denied short-and long-term disability coverage. The reason? My gastric bypass surgery and prior history of lower back problems. Nevermind the fact that my RnY surgery (which my medical insurance covered 100%) solved a number of problems, including my back problems. I just got the denial letter yesterday and intend to contest the ruling, but wondered if anyone else had experienced a similar situation. The carrier is UnumProvident.    — Loren B. (posted on January 23, 2002)

January 19, 2003
Yes I was denied also and even appealed and to my avail no disability was covered and yes insurance paid it all but currently will be denying the surgery for the yr 2003 which I do not understand coming from a very big industry where I work was very upsetting to some of my workers because they see how well I have done and want it themselves but will not be covered.In our clause of insurance they say it is a elective surgery and that is why db would not be issued.But go for it anyway very much worth it.
   — susan L.

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