Life Threatening Conditions? Insurance denied my surgery

I recd great responses to help me with my appeal thanks to all. I have diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and a sleep study scheduled 3-13-02, possibly I have sleep apnea. With a BMI of 68.1 I would think that was life threatening enough. Anyone have "Life threatening clause in their policy? If so, what can I do? Thanks for all responses. Kristee    — Kristee (posted on March 3, 2002)

March 3, 2002
Kristee, I didn't have a life-threatening clause in my insurance, luckily. I just wanted to wish you good luck with your's ridiculous what insurance companies try to do to save money..even without all your co-morbidities..there's a reason it's called MORBID obesity. I would also make sure you check out the ASBS webpage as it also states the increased percentage risk for cancer a person has just by being MO, etc. Some insurance companies just piss me off..they would rather spend more money treating all your co-morbidities than spend money on a surgery that could actually permanently improve your health! Good luck with your appeal and don't give up! *hugs* Anita in Denver 11/08/01 Dr Keshishian -open DS
   — Anita N.

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